UPDATING TO DEC 2019! Kindly excuse the numbering errors. They will be corrected in due course. Do comment and or suggest for corrections if any, it helps keep me motivated
Dr. RK [serjprotector@gmail.com]


  1. Differential diagnosis of mass in right iliac fossa. [Jul 98]
  2. Describe the role of CT in acute abdomen. [Jul 99, 02]
  3. Role of USG in acute abdomen. [02]
  4. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome.
  5. Sonographic findings in abdominal tuberculosis.
  6. Retroperitoneal fibrosis.
  7. Describe imaging in a 5 years old child presenting with lump in Right lumbar region. [Jan 01]
  8. Imaging in blunt abdominal trauma. [02]
  9. Prune belly syndrome. [Dec 02]
  10. MDCT application in abdomen. [02]
  11. CT in Acute abdomen. [Dec 03]
  12. Abdominal trauma . [JUN 04]
  13. Imaging of Retroperitonium . [DEC 05]
  14. MRI-imaging of Retroperitoneum. [JUN 06]
  15. Imaging in retroperitoneal fibrosis. [JUN 07]
  16. Role of plain radiography in acute abdomen.
  17. Imaging in 9 year old girl presenting with right lower quadrant pain. [09]
  18. Draw of neat line diagram of perinephric spaces including its relationship with other spaces. Write CT features of perinephric abscess and urinoma. [Jun 08]
  19. Enumerate various causes of Para vertebral masses and their imaging features. [Jul 10]
  20. Enumerate causes of pain in right iliac fossa i 20 yr old married female. Discuss the role of USG and CT scan in evaluation in this case [Jun 2011]
  21. Enumerate the causes of mechanical small bowl obstruction in an adult. Describe the differentiating features of small and large bowel obstruction on plain radiography. Briefly discuss the role of CT in mechanical small bowel obstruction. [3+2+5 Dec 12]
  22. Briefly describe the etiopathology and imaging findings of ileocecal tuberculosis. Discuss the features that are useful to differentiate it from Crohn’s disease. [3+2+5 Dec 12]
  23. Enumerate various causes of acute pancreatitis. Briefly discuss various terms used in description of imaging findings of acute pancreatitis and indicating it’s severity. [2+6+2 Dec 12]
  24. Briefly discuss the development of midgut. Describe the imaging findings of midgut malformation and midgut volvulus on various imaging modalities. [3+3+4 Dec 12]
  25. A 40 year old male presents with a lump in the RIF. What would be your approach as a radiologist to help come to a diagnosis? Discuss the characteristic radiological features of any 3 pathologies, presenting with right iliac fossa lump. [1+9 Jun 13]
  26. Discuss the DD in a 38 year old male presenting with RIF lump, lassitude and altered bowel habits. Depict the conventional imaging findings in intestinal TB. [4+6 Dec 13]
  27. 27. Briefly describe the role of imaging in the following: a) Neuroendocrine tumors of pancreas b) Small bowel lymphoma. [5+5 Dec 13]
  28. 28. Enumerate the causes of a palpable lumbar mass in a 5-yr-old child. Discuss the algorithmic approach you would use to arrive at diagnosis in this case. [2+8 June 14]
  29. 29. Enumerate the causes of pneumoperitoneum with peritonitis in a 30 yr old male patient. Describe the findings which can be seen in supine abdominal radiograph in a case of pneumoperitoneum. Discuss the CT findings which may be seen in bowel ischemia due to acute superior venous thrombosis. [2+2+6 June 14]
  30. A 10 yr old female child presents to the emergency department with acute onset RIF pain. Enumerate possible causes. Discuss the radiological work up highlighting imaging findings in 2 common conditions. [2+8 June 14]
  31. A 27 yr old married woman presents to emergency room with sudden onset of severe pelvic pain. Enumerate possible causes. Discuss the role of imaging in this case. Describe the findings in 2 common conditions which may cause above symptoms. [2+2+4 June 14]
  32. Abdominal radiograph shows pneumointestinalis in a 55 yr old male patient. Enumerate various causes. Describe the role of MDCT and imaging features in 2 such conditions. [2+8 Dec 14]
  33. Imaging evaluation in a 13 year old girl presented with acute right lower quadrant pain. [10 Dec 15] 
  34. A  26  year  male  presents  in  Emergency  with  abdominal trauma. (a) Enumerate the various causes. (b) Discuss the role of imaging in any two organs. [2+2+4 Dec 17]
  35. Enumerate  the  causes  of  acute  intestinal  obstruction.  Describe the role of a radiologist in its diagnosis. [4+6 Jun 18]
  36. Enumerate  the  types  of  congenital  malrotation  of  gut.  Describe the embryological basis of their occurrence. [3+7 Jun 18]  
  37. Etiology  and  characteristic  imaging  findings  of retroperitoneal fibrosis. [3+7 Jun 19]
  38. A 36-year-old male presented to emergency department with blunt abdominal trauma. a) Describe in brief imaging findings requiring urgent intervention. b) Discuss MDCT findings in hepatic injury. [5+5 Dec 19]


  1. CT features in adrenal tumours. [Jan 97]
  2. Pheochromocytoma. [Jul 97, Jun 04]
  3. Total evaluation techniques for adrenal disease . [Jun 06]
  4. Classify adrenal tumors and role of CT and MRI in evaluating them. [Dec 07/09]
  5. CT and MRI anatomy of Adrenal glands and normal variants. [09]
  6. a) What are the various causes of b/l adrenal masses? b) Characteristic features in different imaging modalities in two such causes. [2+2+4 Jun 15]
  7. Enumerate the causes of adrenal enlargement in an adult of  40  years.  Discuss  the  imaging  features  of  adrenal adenoma [4+6 Dec 17]
  8. What  are  the  sites  of  origin  of  Pheochromocytoma? Describe  the  imaging  features  of  this  tumour  and  its differentials. [3+4+3 Jun 19]


  1. Anatomy of urethra. [Jan 97]
  2. Segmental anatomy of liver and its importance. [JUL 97]
  3. Cross-Sectional labeled diagram of Peritoneal Spaces at level of renal hila. [JUL 98]
  4. Cross Sectional Anatomy of Supra Renal level. Enumerate the hormones elaborated by  zones of the Supra renal glands.
  5. Anatomy of Maxillary sinus and classification of various pathologic diseases.
  6. Radiological anatomy of Mediastinum.
  7. Anatomical boundaries of Ant. mediastinum – Role of CT in detection & diagnosis of  anterior Mediastinal Masses.
  8. Radiological anatomy of Sella turcia and imaging features of suprasellar masses. [Jul 99/Dec 10]
  9. Describe the anatomy of Gastro-oesophageal junction and imaging of hiatus hernia. [JAN 00]
  10. Segmental anatomy of Lungs. [JAN 01, 02,10]
  11. Orbit [DEC 02]
  12. Temporal bone and Internal Auditory Canal.
  13. Middle ear.
  14. Neck space CT anatomy. [JUN 04]
  15. CSF pathways.
  16. Blood brain barrier. [DEC 05]
  17. Describe normal Anatomy of Knee as seen on MRI. [09]
  18. Describe the normal anatomy of coronary arteries and discuss the role of MDCT in coronary artery diseases. [09]
  19. Lymphatic drainage of Lungs.
  20. Embryology of Gastrointestinal Tract.
  21. Embryology of Genitourinary Tract.
  22. Embryology of Diaphragm.
  23. Radiological anatomy of Larynx and Pharynx.
  24. Anatomy and lesions of parapharyngeal spaces.
  25. Radiological anatomy of duodenum and relations.
  26. Radiological anatomy of pancreas.
  27. Peritoneal ligaments and mesentries (pathways of intra-abdominal disease spread).
  28. Blood supply of large intestine.
  29. Radiological anatomy of carotid artery and branches.
  30. Anatomy of the Biliary tree and investigations for evaluation.
  31. Anatomy of the Circle of Willis with Diagram. Enumerate the causes of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. [2010]
  32. Describe the Embryology and development of pancreas. Describe the imaging features of  any one important congenital anomaly of pancreas. [2010]
  33. Draw a labeled diagram of Bronchopulmonary segments on CHEST PA and Lateral radiograph of LEFT LUNG. [Dec 10]
  34. Describe anatomical variations in Circle of Willis with the help of a diagram. Enumerate the sites of intracranial aneurysm. [Dec 2010]
  35. Describe the basis of Hepatic segmental anatomy. Draw a diagram to depict various hepatic segments. [Dec 2010]
  36. Describe the embryogenesis of human urinary system using labelled diagram. briefly discuss the basis of any 3 congenital defects of kidney. [June 11]
  37. Describe with help of labeled diagram-vascular anatomy of testes. Explain briefly its clinical relevance in imaging of  testicular malignancies. [June 11]
  38. Draw a neat line diagram of perinephric space including its relationship with other spaces. Write CT features of perinephric abscess and urinoma. [4+3+3 June 13]
  39. Briefly discuss with diagram the anatomy of Circle of Willis. What are the cause of Sub Arachnoid hemorrhage?. Discuss the role of imaging in a case of SAH. [3+3+4 June 13]
  40. Describe with suitable diagram(s) the anatomy of peri and paranephric spaces. Enumerate tumors of perinephric spaces. Describe imaging features in any one of these. [4+2+4 Dec 13]
  41. Draw a neat diagram showing the anatomy of retroperitoneum. What are various conditions affecting perinephric space. Describe the imaging features in three such conditions. [2+2+6 Dec 14]
  42. a)  Anatomy of cranio-vertebral junction (CVJ). b)  Enumerate various diseases affecting CVJ. c)  Imaging features of traumatic injuries in this region. [3+2+5 June 16]
  43. a)  Draw a diagram of cross sectional anatomy of inner ear. b)  Imaging  work-up  in a  child  presenting  with sensorineural hearing loss. [5+5 June 16]
  44. Draw labelled diagram(s) of the suprahyoid neck spaces. [10 Jun 18]
  45. Depict  the  anatomy  of  maxillary  sinus  using  a  labelled diagram. Discuss the role of imaging in the diagnosis of mucocele of maxillary sinus. [5+5 Dec18]
  46. Describe the anatomy of larynx with the help of diagrams. How does radiology help to assess staging of laryngeal malignancy? [5+5 Jun 19]
  47. a) Draw a labelled diagram of neck spaces. b) Enumerate lesions of parapharnygeal spaces. [6+4 Dec 19]
  48. a) Describe the normal anatomy of coronary arteries. b) Discuss the role of MDCT in coronary artery diseases [4+6 Dec 19, Repeat from 09]
  49. a) Describe the anatomy of retroperitoneum on imaging. b) Describe the radiological findings of 2 common non-tumour conditions occurring in the retroperitoneum. [4+6 Dec 19]


  1. Breast Masses. [DEC 02]
  2. Indications of X-ray mammography, Sonography and MRI of Breast. [02]
  3. Discuss the recent advances in Mammography. [02]
  4. Mammographic features of Carcinoma Breast. [02]
  5. Sonography in solid breast masses. [June 08]
  6. Benign breast disease . [JUN 04]
  7. MRI in malignant breast lesions. [09]
  8. Conventional mammography techniques.
  9. X-ray Mammographic tube and Breast mammographic views. [DEC 06]
  10. Mammography. [DEC 05, JUN 06]
  11. Mammographic Tube and Mammography equipment. [JAN 00, DEC 04, JUN 09]
  12. Discuss about mammography X-ray unit. [09]
  13. Recent developments in mammography X-ray tube. [09]
  14. Computer aided detection (CAD) in Mammography. [09]
  15. Screening mammography — Current status. [09 and repeated on Dec 14]
  16. Describe BIRADS classification. [09]
  17. Ultrasound Elastography in Breast lesions. [09]
  18. Describe imaging features of Breast cancer on Mammography, US and MRI. Briefly outline approach (by flow chart) in BIRADS 4 lesion. [Jun 2011]
  19. Discuss the current indications of MRI in breast cancer evaluation. Discuss MRI features of breast cancer. [5+5 Dec 11]
  20. 20. Describe the various mammographic techniques in brief, types of mammographic equipments available and current recommendations for its use for routine screening. [4+3+3 Dec 11]
  21. Briefly describe diffusion protocol for MRI breast and characterization of benign and malignant breast lesion. [ 2+2+4 Dec 11]
  22. Briefly describe the components if BIRADS system used for reporting of mammograms. Describe the indications and findings of various breast lesions on MRI. [4+2+4 Dec 12]
  23. Describe imaging features of Breast cancer on Mammography, US and MRI. Briefly outline approach (by flow chart) in BIRADS 4 lesion. [Dec 14] (repeat from June 11)
  24. a) BIRADS classification. b) Imaging features of Phyllodes tumour on mammography, uItrasound and MRI. [4+(2+2+2) Dec 15]
  25. Role of MRI in the evaluation of breast masses. [10 Apr 16] 
  26. A middle aged lady presents with a breast mass. What are the possibilities? Discuss the specific mammographic characteristics which  can  help  distinguish  between  the  benign  and  malignant breast lesions. [2+8 Jun 18] 
  27. Explain  what  you  understand  by  the  term  BIRADS. Enumerate  the  indications  of  magnetic  resonance mammography.  Explain  the  technique  of  magnetic resonance mammography. [3+2+5 Dec 18]
  28. Describe  the  BIRADS  lexicon  pertaining  to  MR Mammography. Describe the MR mammography findings in a BIRADS 5 breast lesion. [5+5 Jun 19]
  29. a) A 45-year-old female came with a lump in unilateral breast. How will you evaluate this patient on imaging? b) Describe BIRADS classification used for reporting of mammogram. [6+4 Dec 19]


  1. Write short notes on:  A.What is p value? What is its significance and clinical applications in research? B. Sensitivity C. Specificity D. Positive and negative predictive value. [4+2+2+2 Jun 12] 
  2. Define  the  statistical  terms  “accuracy”,  “positive  predictive value”  and  “negative  predictive  value”,  citing  their  clinical usefulness. [4+3+3 Jun 18] 
  3. a)  Kappa  measure  (in  terms  of  statistical  analysis  of medical data). b)  The Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) [5+5 Dec 18]
  4. a) What is p value? What is its significance and clinical application in research? b) What is sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy? [3+7 Dec 19]


  1. Doppler ultrasound versus MR angiography of carotid vessels. [JAN 97]
  2. Cardiac and pericardial calcification.
  3. Role of plain skiagram chest in the diagnosis of pulmonary Hypertension. [JUL 97]
  4. Scimitar syndrome. [JUL 97, DEC 06/07]
  5. Pathogenesis of ASD. [JUL 97, 98]
  6. Atrial myxoma. [JUL 98]
  7. Amyloid heart diseases. [98]
  8. Imaging of the extracranial carotid arteries.
  9. Pathogenesis and classification of Dissecting Aneurysm of Aorta.
  10. Coarctation of aorta. [JUL 99; DEC 02,03]
  11. Role of doppler study in lowest extremity arterial disease.
  12. Imaging in aorto-arteritis. [JAN 00, DEC 02]
  13. Causes and imaging features of pericardial effusion. [JAN 01]
  14. Abdominal aortic aneurysm.
  15. Role of Doppler in peripheral arterial diseases.
  16. MRI in cardiac disease. [DEC 02]
  17. Tetralogy of Fallot. [02]
  18. Pulmonary Stenosis. [02]
  19. Imaging in ischaemic heart disease. [DEC 03]
  20. Aortic Dissection. OR Imaging and Intervention in Aortic dissection [DEC 02/03/09]
  21. Chest X-ray in CHD. [JUN 04]
  22. Plain X-ray cardiomyopathy
  23. MRI in Cardiac Imaging [DEC 04/09]
  24. Pathophysiology and imaging of Mitral valve disease. [DEC 04, JUN 05]
  25. Congenital anomalies of aortic arch and major branches.
  26. Coronary imaging.
  27. Aortic aneurysm and interventions. [JUN 05, DEC 05/06]
  28. Superior Vena Cava obstruction.
  29. Total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage. [DEC 02/05/07]
  30. Doppler evaluation of deep veins of leg.
  31. Takayasu’s disease or Non-specific aortoarteritis. [JUN 05/06/07]
  32. Left to right shunts/Extracardiac Left to Right shunts.[05/06]
  33. Enlarged Left atrium. [06]
  34. Ebstein’s anomaly. [JUN 07, DEC 09]
  35. Radiological approach in Cyanotic heart disease. [DEC 07]
  36. Describe the normal anatomy of Cornonary arteries and discuss the role of MDCT in coronary artery disease. [June 2008]
  37. Causes and imaging features of constrictive pericarditis. [DEC 09]
  38. Enumerate congenital anomalies of IVC. Comment on role of MR I in their diagnosis. [09]
  39. MRI of cardiac tumors. [09]
  40. Enumerate various types of transposition of great vessels. Describe imaging features of  total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage. [09]
  41. Interventional management of deep vein thrombosis. [09]
  42. Imaging in Intermittent claudication of Lower limb. [02]
  43. Imaging in 14 years old with hypertension. [09]
  44. Describe diagnostic features on chest radiograph which can help in evaluation congenital heart disease. [09]
  45. Imaging of PDA. [09]
  46. Assessment of correctness of positioning of various catheters and tubes as seen on chest  radiographs. [09]
  47. Cardiac CT. [09]
  48. Discuss the role of MR in evaluation of pericardium and its pathologies. [June 2008]
  49. What are the causes of pulmonary venous hypertension? Describe plain X-ray findings in pulmonary venous hypertension. [09]
  50. Radiological approach in Acyanotic heart disease. [09]
  51. Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous drainage. [09]
  52. Imaging features on chest radiograph of various acyanotic congenital heart diseases. [2010]
  53. Classify peripheral vascular malformation. Describe sonographic color doppler, MRI and angiographic features of venous malformation. Mention suitable embolic material for their interventional management. [Dec 2010]
  54. Enumerate various tumors of heart. Describe the imaging features of myxoma of heart. [Dec 10]
  55. Describe the venous anatomy of lower limb with the help of a diagram. Describe the technique of color doppler imaging of lower limb veins and imaging features of deep Vein thrombosis. [Dec 10]
  56. Describe the radiological findings of Coarctation of aorta on plain radiograph, barium contrast study, DSA and MRI . Briefly describe role of interventional radiology in it. [June 2011]
  57. Describe plain radiographic findings in Rheumatic heart disease in Mitral Stenosis. Mitral regurgitation with mitral stenosis and Aortic stenois. [June 2011]
  58. Classify aortic dissection. Describe the role of CT angiography in diagnosis and management of aortic dissection. [2+5+3 Dec 11]
  59. Enumerate causes of acute chest pain in an elderly patient. Briefly describe CT findings in 3 common likely conditions. [1+3+3+3 Dec 11]
  60. Classify congenital cardiac abnormalities. Briefly discuss abnormalities of Situs and Looping (or topology) with their imaging features. [2+4+4 Jun 12]
  61. Define truncus arteriosus. Mention its types and characteristic features of its various types. Briefly describe its chest radiographic, echocardiographic and  MRI findings. [2+2+2+2+2 Jun 12]
  62. Enumerate causes of unilateral and bilateral inferior rib notching. Describe chest radiographic, CT chest and angiographic findings in Coarctation of Aorta. Briefly discuss role of interventional radiology inmanagement of Coarctation of Aorta. [2+(2+2+2)+2 Jun 12]
  63. How will you radiologically investigate a 60 year old hypertensive & diabetic female presenting with severe chest pain of acute onset? Briefly discuss imaging features of the most common cause for it. Also describe role of radiology in its complications. [3+5+2 Jun 12]
  64. Classify right sided aortic arch abnormalities. Draw suitable diagrams to describe these anomalies. Discuss imaging features in dysphagia lusoria. [2+5+3 Jun 12]
  65. Enumerate causes and briefly describe the role of imaging in diagnosis and management of thoracic aortic aneurysm in a patient below the age of forty years. [2+4+4 Dec 12]
  66. Enumerate the radiographic features of enlarged right atrium and enlarged left atrium. Briefly describe lung field changes in case of mitral stenosis [2+3+5 Dec 12]
  67. Briefly describe the anatomy of the pericardium. List various causes and imaging findings in a case odd constrictive pericarditis. [2+2+6 Dec 12]
  68. Describe the arterial anatomy of carotid vascular system with the help of labeled diagrams. Discuss the role of ultrasound and; color Doppler imaging in evaluation of extra cranial carotid occlusive disease. [2+2+6 Dec 12]
  69. Enumerate the indications of MDCT coronary angiography. Describe the methods to reduce the radiation dosage to patients during performance of MDCT coronary angiography. [2+8 Dec 12]
  70. Enumerate the causes of left atrial enlargement. Discuss its findings on chest radiograph. What other imaging techniques will be useful in making the diagnosis? Briefly highlight the significance of each.  [2+3+2+3 Jun 13]
  71. What is Eisenmenger Syndrome? Enumerate the conditions that may produce this syndrome. Discuss its key radiological features. [2+2+6 Jun 13]
  72. Enumerate any four clinical conditions which produce a left to right cardiac shunt. Discuss the key radiological features in any two. What would be the radiographic signs of the possible hemodynamic  complications, if the condition remains untreated?. [2+3+3+2 Dec 13]
  73. Enumerate the radiologically-evident pericardial afflictions on a chest radiograph. Described their key radiological findings. (2+8 Dec 13)
  74. Discuss the diagnostic approach in a 7 year old boy presenting with a progressive pulsatile swelling in the right forearm. Describe the imaging findings with Doppler and MRI. [3+3+4 Dec 13]
  75. Discuss the pathophysiology of venous incompetence in lower extremity. What are common locations of perforators? Describe technique & imaging features in Doppler examination of venous incompetency in lower extremity. [2+3+5 Dec 13]
  76. What are the indications of coronary CT angiography? Describe the techniques of performing coronary CT angiography. What do you understand by Calcium score and what is its clinical relevance? [2+5+3 Dec 13]
  77. Enumerate the causes of Aortic aneurysm in a 30 yr old male patient. How will you differential b/w these various causes? Discuss the findings & information you shall highlight in a case which is to be manages using an aortic stent graft. [2+5+3 June 14]
  78. Enumerate the various causes of bilateral weak femoral arterial pulsations in a 20 year old female patient. Describe the imaging findings in any two important causes. [2+4+4 June 14]
  79. Define and enumerate causes of restrictive cardiac diseases. Discuss the role of various imaging modalities along with imaging features in two such diseases. [1+2]+[3+4 Dec 14]
  80. A 50 yr old male patient in emergency with acute chest pain. Discuss the likely causes and approach to diagnose such patients. Discuss the role of CT angiography in these patients. [5+5 Dec 14]
  81. a) Doppler assessment of AV fistula of hemodialysis access. b) Role of MDCT in cyanotic heart disease [5+5 Dec 14]
  82. a) Vascular compression syndromes in abdomen and pelvis [5 Dec 14]
  83. a) Role of different imaging modalities in evaluation of a case of limb ischemia. b) Role of interventional procedures in these patients. [5+5 June 15]
  84. a) Enumerate causes of thoracic aortic aneurysm. b) Role of CT angiography in the diagnosis and management of aortic dissection. [June 15]
  85. a) Define pulmonary hypertension b) Enumerate its causes and describe the imaging findings [Jun 15]
  86. a) Venous anatomy of lower limb with the help of a diagram. b) Technique of colour doppler imaging of lower limb veins and imaging features of DVT [Jun 15]
  87. a) Enumerate various heart diseases with cyanosis and increased pulmonary circulation b) Imaging features in any two such diseases. [Jun 15]
  88. Imaging features and interventions in vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation. [5+5 Dec 15].
  89. a) What is truncus arteriosus? b) Its classification, imaging features on chest X-ray echocardiography and MRI. [2+(2+2+2+2) Dec 15]
  90. a) Enumerate the causes of SVC obstruction. b) Its pathophysiology and imaging features. [3+(3+4) Dec 15]
  91. a) Pathophysiology of venous incompetence in lower extremity. b) What are common locations of Perforators? c) Colour Doppler findings and interventions of venous incompetency in lower limb.  [2+2+(3+3) Dec 15] [Repeat from Dec 2013]
  92. a)  Role of ultrasound in the evaluation of a suspected vascular malformation. b)  Role   of   interventional   radiology   in   low   flow   vascular malformations. [5+5 Apr 16] 
  93. Enumerate  the  benign cardiac  tumours  and  discuss  their imaging features. [3+7 Dec 17] 
  94. Imaging features of: (a) Co-arctation of Aorta. (b) TAPVC. [5+5 Dec 17] 
  95. Enumerate  the  different  types  of  Aortic  Aneurysm,  their sites and interventional management. [2+4+4 Dec 17]
  96. Explain  the  role  of  imaging  in  the  evaluation  of  a  patient  with varicose  veins.  Outline  the  various  radiological  interventional approaches to the management of varicose veins. [6+4 Jun 18]
  97. Enumerate  the  various  left  to  right  shunts.  Discuss  the characteristic radiological features which can help define them. [2+8 Jun 18]
  98. Discuss  the  diagnostic  imaging  findings  in  stenosis  of  internal carotid artery  at  its  origin. What  is  the  role  of an  interventional radiologist in the management of such a case? [7+3 Jun 18]
  99. Discuss the role of imaging in the evaluation of a patient with acute lower limb ischemia. What is the role of an interventional radiologist in the management of such a case? [7+3 Jun 18]
  100. Enumerate  the  various  types  of  aortic  dissection.  Describe  its contrast  enhanced  computed  tomography  and  magnetic resonance imaging findings stating their respective advantages and limitations. [2+8 Jun 18]
  101. Enumerate the congenital foetal cardiac anomalies that can be detected  on  antenatal  ultrasound  examination.  Describe  the ultrasound appearance of any two such conditions.  [2+4+4 Jun 18] 
  102. a)  Myocardial viability imaging. b)  Chest radiograph findings in mitral valve disease [5+5 Dec 18] 
  103. a)  Imaging features in Tetralogy of Fallot. b)  Imaging features in partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage. [5+5 Dec 18]
  104. How do you classify aortic aneurysms? Discuss the role of radiological  intervention  in  abdominal  aortic  aneurysms. What can be the possible complications post intervention? [3+4+3 Jun 19]
  105. Pathogenesis and the spectrum of plain radiography findings in rheumatic heart disease. [5+5 Jun 19]
  106. What are the indications for cardiac evaluation of “delayed hyper-enhancement” in  MRI?  Which  MRI sequences  are  usually  needed  for  DHE  assessment? Describe  the  cardiac  MRI  features  of  Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy. [3+3+4 Jun 19]
  107. Describe the common variations in anatomy of aortic arch branches. [10 Jun 19]
  108. a) Describe the arterial anatomy of carotid vascular system with the help of labelled diagram. b) Discuss the role of Ultrasound and Color Doppler imaging in evaluation of extra cranial carotid occlusive disease. [4+6 Dec 19, Repeat from Dec 12]
  109. a) Enumerate causes of thoracic aortic aneurysm in a patient below the age of 40. b) Briefly describe the role of imaging in the diagnosis of these patients. c) Describe radiological management of these patients. [3+3+4 Dec 19]
  110. a) Enumerate various tumours of heart. b) Describe the imaging features in myxoma of heart. [5+5 Dec 19 Repeat from Dec 10]
  111. a) Discuss the differential diagnosis in a 7-year old boy presenting with a pulsatile swelling of the right forearm. b) Describe the imaging findings with Doppler and MRI. [4+6 Dec 19, Repeat from Dec 13]
  112. a) Venous anatomy of lower limb with the help of a diagram. b) Technique of Color Doppler Imaging of lower limb veins and imaging features of DVT. [4+6 Dec 19, Repeat from Dec 10, June 15]


  1. Describe briefly the pathophysiology of Pulmonary Embolism. Give in detail the imaging modalities for diagnosis of this entity and their relative merits and demerits. [JAN 97]
  2. Wegner’s granulomatosis [JAN 97, JUN 07]
  3. Pathogenesis and imaging of pulmonary sequestration. [JAN 97, DEC 02, JUN 06, 10]
  4. Role of imaging in bronchogenic carcinoma. [JUL 97]
  5. Discuss in brief the differential diagnosis of mediastinal masses and their radiological appearances.
  6. Alveolar Proteinosis. [98]
  7. Anterior mediastinal mass lesions. [02]
  8. Anterior mediastinal masses in children. [09]
  9. Imaging of posterior mediastinal masses. [JUL 99, DEC 03]
  10. Pleural tumours. [JUL 98]
  11. Diagnosis of pulmonary infarction.
  12. Pulmonary edema. [JUL 99, 02]
  13. Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). [JUL 99, DEC 02]
  14. Sarcoidosis. [JUL 99, DEC 04]
  15. Differentiating features of intra and extralobar sequestration of lung. [JAN 00]
  16. Pulmonary plethora and its distinctive features.
  17. MRI in bronchogenic carcinoma.
  18. What are clinical applications of CT in evaluation of non-neoplastic lung diseases? [JAN  01]
  19. Pan-acinar Emphysema. [02]
  20. Tracheoesophageal fistula. [DEC 02]
  21. Evaluation and DD of Hilar Mass. [02]
  22. Solitary Pulmonary nodule. [02]
  23. Metastatic tumors of Lung. [02]
  24. Silicosis. [02]
  25. Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis. [02]
  26. Ground glass opacity HRCT- Significance and DD. [DEC 02, 03]
  27. Unilateral opaque hemithorax. [02]
  28. Unilateral Hyperlucent hemithorax. [06]
  29. Pulmonary thromembolism. [DEC 03, JUN 06]
  30. Imaging in acute chest trauma. [02]
  31. Lung lesions in AIDS. [98]
  32. Atypical Pneumonia. [JUN 03]
  33. HRCT in ILD . [JUN 04]
  34. Pulmonary lesions in AIDS .
  35. Eventration of diaphragm . [DEC 04]
  36. Pulmonary Aspergillosis .
  37. Hyaline membrane disease. [DEC 05]
  38. Imaging in central bronchogenic carcinoma .
  39. Radiology of primary pulmonary Koch’s. [02, JUN 05,06]
  40. Salient features of radiology of pulmonary metastases .
  41. Raised left Dome of Diaphragm.
  42. Radiological feat. in Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation of the lung. [JUN 07]
  43. Role of chest radiograph and CT chest in AIDS. [DEC 07/09]
  44. Anterior mediastinal masses in children.
  45. Anterior Mediastinal Masses. [02]
  46. Azygos lobe.
  47. What are the causes of pulmonary venous hypertension?. Describe plain X-ray findings in pulmonary venous hypertension. [June 08]
  48. Discuss pathophysiology and imaging features in respiratory distress in newborn. [June 08]
  49. Imaging in pulmonary the thrombo-embolism. [09]
  50. MDCT and Scintigraphic evaluation of pulmonary embolism. [09]
  51. Enumerate causes of usual interstitial pneumonitis. Describe HRCT Endings in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
  52. Discuss in detail imaging features of thoracic lymphoma. [June 08]
  53. CT features of Thoracic Lymphoma. [09]
  54. Imaging of extra nodal presentations of non Hodgkin lymphomas. [09]
  55. Role of imaging in a new born with respiratory distress. [06,09]
  56. Discuss pathophysiology and imaging features in respiratory distress in newborn. [09]
  57. HRCT in Diffuse lung disease. [06]
  58. HRCT in occupational lung diseases. [09]
  59. HRCT in pulmonary tuberculosis. [09]
  60. Role of chest radiography in emergency situations. [June 2008]
  61. DD and imaging features of para-vertebral shadow. [2010]
  62. Describe the role of MDCT in staging of carcinoma of lung. [2010]
  63. Imaging findings in germ cell tumor of the mediastinum and discuss in brief the DD. [2010]
  64. Radiological findings of the Pulmonary complications of HIV infections. [2010]
  65. Describe the chest radiograph and HRCT findings in Sarcoidosis. [09, Dec 10]
  66. Describe etiopathogenesis, common causes, plain film and CT features of lymphangitis carcinomatosis. [Jun 2011]
  67. Describe plain radiographic and CT findings of rt. upper lobe pulmonary collapse. [Jun 11]
  68. Discuss the role of CT and MRI in staging of lung cancer. [June 2011]
  69. Describe the radiological findings of pulmonary complications in pts infected with HIV. [June 11]
  70. Classify diaphragmatic hernias. Describe the radiological means to establish the diagnosis with relevant imaging findings. [Jun 11]
  71. Enumerate various germ cell tumors of mediastinum. Discuss their imaging features. [3+7 Dec 11]
  72. Enumerate the causes of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Give in detail and management of aortic dissection. [3+7 Dec 11]
  73. Discuss the etiopathogenesis, imaging features & DD of silicosis. [3+4+4 Dec 11]
  74. Define pulmonary sequestration. Describe its types & discuss CT findings and role of angiography in it. [2+1+4+3 Dec 11]
  75. Enumerate causes of unilateral hyper-translucency on chest radiograph. Briefly describe plain radiographic and CT findings in a 5 year old child presenting with repeated chest infection and detected to have unilateral hyper-translucency on chest radiograph. [2+4+4 Jun 12]
  76. Classify pleural tumours. Briefly discuss chest radiographic and CT  findings of malignant mesothelioma. [3+3+4 Jun 12]
  77. Enumerate various diseases caused by inhalation of inorganic dust. Briefly describe chest radiographic and CT findings of two most common such diseases. [2+4+4 Jun 12]
  78. How do pulmonary arteriovenous malformation present clinically? Discuss their chest radiographic, CT chest and angiographic findings. Briefly mention role of interventional radiology in their treatment. [2+(2+2+2)+2 Jun 12]
  79. A 25 year old male presented with life threatening haemoptysis. Draw an algorithm to outline management of such a case. Discuss in brief role of chest radiograph, CT scan (with newer advances) and role of  interventional radiology. [2+(2+4+2) Jun 12]
  80. Enumerate the causes of superior vena cava syndrome in an adult. Briefly describe the role and findings of various imaging modalities in a case of central bronchogenic carcinoma. [2+8 Dec 12]
  81. Describe various HRCT lung findings seen in interstitial lung disease with the help of diagrams. Describe HRCT features of usual interstitial pneumonia. [6+4 Dec 12]
  82. Enumerate various causes of respiratory distress in a new born. Briefly describe imaging findings in congenital lobar emphysema and pulmonary sequestration. [2+4+4 Dec 12]
  83. Enumerate the causes of hemoptysis in an adult patient. Briefly discuss the indications, techniques and complications of radiological interventions in this conditions. [2+2+4+2 Dec 12]
  84. Define pulmonary edema. What is its pathophysiology? Enumerate its causes. Describe the plain radiographic findings in pulmonary edema. [1+2+3+4 Jun 13]
  85. Write imaging findings of the following: a) Bronchial Carcinoid b) BOOP c) McLeod’s Syndrome.
  86. Define Sarcoidosis. What are the various stages of thoracic Sarcoidosis? Discuss the radiological manifestations of thoracic Sarcoidosis [2+2+6 Jun 13]
  87. What do you understand by the term ‘extramedullary hematopoesis’? Enumerate its causes. Discuss its plain plain film and cross sectional imaging findings. [2+2+3+3 Jun 13]
  88. Discuss briefly the pathophysiology of pulmonary embolism. Give in detail the imaging modalities for diagnosis of this entity and their relative merits and demerits. [4+4+1+1 Jun 13]
  89. State the radiological basis of differentiating a mediastinal mass from an intrapulmonary mass. How would you localize the compartment of a mediastinal lesion? Discuss briefly the differential diagnosis of mediastinal lesions in anterior compartment. [2+3+5 Dec 13]
  90. A 65 year-old chronic smoker presents with hemoptysis. The chest radiograph shows a well-defined cavitating intrapulmonary mass with spiculated margins in the left upper zone. How would you further evaluate this patient and determine the extent of disease? What would be the signs you would look for to decide if the lesion is operable? [8+2 Dec 13]
  91. Describe the changes on a chest radiograph in collapse of different lobes in both lungs. [10 Dec 13]
  92. Radiological findings in: a) Sequestration of lung b) Pulmonary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. [5+5 Dec 13]
  93. Define SPN. Enumerate its causes. Discuss the radiological work up of a solitary nodule highlighting the features which enable to differentiate b/w benign and malignant nodules. [1+2+7 June 14]
  94. A 30-yr-old female patient presented with h/o cough and one episode of hemoptysis. Her chest radiograph showed a cavitatory lesion measuring 3 cm in left mid zone. Enumerate the possible causes. How will you proceed with radiological evaluation in this case? [2+8 June 14]
  95. Name the anatomical structures which contribute to the hilar shadow seen on a frontal chest radiograph. Enumerate the causes of unilateral large hilum in a 50 yr old male. Describe the imaging findings in any 2 pathological causes. [2+2+3+3 June 14]
  96. A 20-yr-old female with history of fever showed an anterior mediastinal and right hilar mass on chest radiograph. Enumerate the causes. Discuss the radiological finding which shall help you in formulating your differential diagnosis. Describe in brief features which are useful in differentiating Hodgkin’s disease and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. [2+6+2 June 14]
  97. Describe the radiological anatomy of diaphragm. Enumerate various types of diaphragmatic hernias. Discuss the imaging findings in any two hernias which can be seen in a 40 yr old patient. [3+1+3+3 June 14]
  98. Enumerate causes of cystic mediastinal lesions. Describe imaging features of any 2 conditions. [2+4+4 Dec 14]
  99. a) Castleman’s disease b) Role of Dual energy CT in pulmonary embolism. [5+5 Dec 14]
  100. Enumerate causes of solitary pulmonary nodules. Discuss the role of various newer imaging techniques in assessment of these lesions. [2+8 Dec 14]
  101. Discuss various chest complications in a post-operative patient. Describe in detail imaging features in any two conditions. [4+3+3 Dec 14]
  102. A 55 yr male patient presents with left opaque hemithorax. Enumerate the likely causes and discuss the imaging features in two common conditions. [2+4+4 Dec 14]
  103. Discuss various types of aortic aneurysms. Described various modalities to investigate such patients with advantages and disadvantages of each. Discuss briefly role of interventional procedure. [2+6+2 Dec 14]
  104. a) Takayasu’s arteritis b) Role of RFA in chest tumors. [5+5 Dec 14]
  105. Etiopathogenesis, clinical forms, complications and radiological features of silicosis. [Jun 15].
  106. a) Causes of mediastinal lymphadenopathy. b) Role of imaging in their differentiation. [Jun 15]
  107. An adult male presents with recurrent chest infections and a cavitating lung lesion in left lower zone in a chest radiograph. Discuss the differential diagnosis and imaging features in two most likely causes. [Jun 15]
  108. Causes of pleural masses and their imaging features. [Jun 15]
  109. a) Anatomic location and patterns of diaphragmatic rupture. b) Role of imaging in its evaluation. [Jun 15]
  110. a) Enumerate pulmonary manifestations in patients with HIV. b) Chest X-ray and CT features in Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. [3+(3+4) Dec 15]
  111. Radiological features of: a) McLeod’s Syndrome b) Vanishing Lung Syndrome c) Scimitar syndrome. [3+3+4 Dec 15]
  112. Pathophysiology, imaging features, complications and differential diagnosis of Respiratory Distress Syndrome of New born. [2+3+2+3 Dec 15]
  113. Role of CT and MRI in staging of lung cancer. [5+5 Dec 15] [Repeat from June 11]
  114. a) Antenatal diagnosis of congenital. diaphragmatic hernia. b) Imaging findings in gestational trophoblastic disease. [5+5 Dec 15]
  115. a)  Enumerate  various  pathologies  which  can  be  found  in posterior mediastinum. b)  Imaging findings of posterior medistinal tumors in children. [3+7 Apr 16]
  116. a)  Chest radiographic findings of pulmonary edema. b)  Radiological   differences   between   cardiogenic   and   non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema. [6+4 Apr 16]
  117. a)  Enumerate etiologies of diffuse cystic lesions of lung. b)  Radiological findings in any two of them. [2+4+4 Apr 16]
  118. a)  Enumerate the causes of hemoptysis. b)  Role of interventional radiology in its management. [2+8 Apr 16]
  119. Causes  and  imaging  findings  in  a  neonate  presenting  with respiratory distress. [10 Apr 16, Repeat from Dec 15]
  120. a)  Define   solitary   pulmonary   nodule   and   enumerate   its causes. b)  Role of dynamic CT in the evaluation of solitary pulmonary nodule. [1+4+5 Apr 16] 
  121.  Enumerate the causes of anterior mediastinal masses and discuss their imaging features. [3+7 Dec 17]
  122. Discuss the CT features of: (a) Silicosis (b) Pulmonary embolism [5+5 Dec 17]
  123. Discuss  the  causes  of  pneumothorax  with  their  imaging features. [3+7 Dec 17]
  124. Role of MRI in lung cancer staging. [10 Dec 17] 
  125. Etiology  and  radiological  finding  in  acute  respiratory distress syndrome. [10 Dec 17]
  126. Describe  the  characteristic  radiological  features  which  define pulmonary tuberculosis. What are the possible complications of a cavitary disease? [8+2 Jun 18]
  127. Enumerate  the  predisposing  factors  which  can  lead  to  the respiratory  distress  syndrome  of  newborn.  Describe  its radiological  findings  and  state  its  acute  and  subacute complications. [2+8 Jun 18]
  128. Enumerate  the  predisposing  conditions  which  can  lead  to aspiration  pneumonia.  What  are  its  characteristic  radiologic features? [4+6 Jun 18] 
  129. Describe  the  CT  and  MR  imaging  features  in  malignant mesothelioma. How is its staging carried out? [8+2 Jun 18] 
  130. Enumerate  the  various  types  of  aortic  dissection.  Describe  its contrast  enhanced  computed  tomography  and  magnetic resonance imaging findings stating their respective advantages and limitations. [2+8 Jun 18] 
  131. Enumerate the causes of bilateral lung cysts in an adult and discuss the role of HRCT in the differential diagnosis. [5+5 Dec 18] 
  132. Enumerate  the  causes  of  lobar  collapse.  Describe  the various chest radiographic findings of left upper lobe and left lower lobe collapse. [5+5 Dec 18] 
  133. Draw a line diagram to define the radiological anatomy of mediastinum.    Discuss  the  differential  diagnoses  of anterior  mediastinal  masses  based  on  computed tomography examination findings. [5+5 Dec 18] 
  134. Enumerate  the  causes  of  bilateral  upper  lobe  fibrosis. Discuss the HRCT findings in intrathoracic sarcoidosis. [5+5 Dec 18] 
  135. Enumerate  the  various  lines  and  tubes  encountered  on chest  radiographs  in  patients  admitted  to  the  intensive care unit (ICU). Discuss the imaging findings in pulmonary oedema. [5+5 Dec 18] 
  136. Enumerate the benign pulmonary tumours and discuss their differential diagnosis. [4+6 Dec 18]  
  137. a)  Describe the technique  of  multi-detector CT pulmonary angiography (MDCTPA) in a suspected patient of acute pulmonary thromboembolism. b)  Enumerate  the  false  positive  and  false  negative  CT Pulmonary  Angiography  (CTPA)  findings  which  can influence  the  assessment  in  such  a  patient  suspected with pulmonary thromboembolism. [5+5 Dec 18] 
  138. Outline the following using an algorithmic sequence: a)  Imaging approach in a patient with blunt trauma to chest.  b)  Imaging  approach  in  a  patient  with  blunt  trauma  to abdomen. [5+5 Dec 18] 
  139. Radiological spectrum of pulmonary Aspergillosis. [10 Jun 19]
  140. Radiology of posterior mediastinal masses in children [10 Jun 19]
  141. Discuss  the  various  imaging  features  of  trauma  to  the chest.  What  are  the  imaging  findings  in  broncho-pleural fistula? [7+3 Jun 19]
  142. Classify  interstitial  lung  disease  and  give  the  relevant HRCT findings in each. [6+4 Jun 19]
  143. a) Describe anatomy of lung on HRCT. b) What are the common patterns of imaging features seen in various ILD? c) Describe HRCT features of Usual Interstitial Pneumonia (UIP). [3+3+4 Dec 19]
  144. A 25-year-old presented with life threatening hemoptysis. a) Draw an algorithm to outline radiological management of such a case. b) Discuss in brief imaging features on conventional radiology, CT scan and MRI; and role of interventional radiology. [2+(4+4) Dec 19]
  145. a) What do you understand by the term extramedullary hematopoiesis? b) Enumerate its causes. c) Discuss its plain film and cross sectional imaging findings. [2+3+5 Dec 19, Repeat from June 13]
  146. a) Enumerate the causes of acute respiratory distress syndrome. b) Give in detail radiological management of aortic dissection. [ 5+5 Dec 19, Repeat from Dec 11]


  1. MR contrast media. [JAN 97, DEC 04, JUN 05]
  2. Discuss about various MR contrast media and their mechanism of action. [08]
  3. Low osmolar contrast media. [JUL 97]
  4. Adverse drug reactions caused by I.V. Contrast media. [JAN 01]
  5. Classify idiosyncratic reactions resulting from contrast media administration. Describe the management of life threatening adverse reactions. [08]
  6. Non-ionic contrast media. [DEC 05]
  7. Management of adverse contrast reactions. [JUN 05]
  8. Recent contrast media used in USG. [JAN 00]
  9. Role of Ultrasound Contrast Agents in gastro-intestinal diseases. [JUL 98, DEC 04]
  10. Ultrasonography contrast media. (OR) Echo enhancing agents. [JUN 06, 09]
  11. Contrast induced nephropathy. [09]
  12. MR contrast media in Hepato biliary system/MR contrast agents for Hepatic Imaging. [06/09]
  13. Emergency drugs with doses that should be available in radiology department. [09]
  14. Adverse reactions of MR contrast media. [2010]
  15. Enumerate various ultrasonic contrast media. Describe their principle and clinical application in evaluation of Hepatic mass lesion. [Dec 10]
  16. Write short notes- a. Management of severe contrast reaction. b. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. [5+5 Dec 12]
  17. Define contrast nephropathy. Who are the patients at risk? What is the mechanism at work? Outline its time course. What are the key recommendations to check its occurrence?  [2+2+2+2+2 Jun 13]
  18. Discuss the role of contrast enhanced MRI and Organ specific MR contrast media. [3+7 Jun 13]
  19. Management of acute idiosyncratic contrast reactions.[June 15]
  20. a) What is the principle of MR contrast enhancement. b) Describe any two organ specific contrast agents and their clinical applications. [June 15]
  21. a) Define contrast induced nephropathy (CIN). b) Conditions predisposing to CIN and the precautions to be taken to avoid ClN. [1+(5+4)  Dec 15]
  22. a)  Iso-osmolar contrast agents. b)  Classify MR contrast agents. c)  Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. [3+3+4 Apr 16]
  23. A patient develops severe hypotension immediately following the intravenous administration of an iodinated water-soluble contrast medium. How would you manage such a patient? [10 Jun 18]
  24. What  are  the  types  of  nephrotoxicity  reactions  associated  with water-soluble  contrast  media  and  what  are  their  defining features?  What  are  the  proposed  mechanisms  which  produce contrast induced nephrotoxicity?  [6+4 Jun 18]
  25. Enumerate  the  MR  contrast  agents.  Discuss  their  potential adverse effects. [3+7 Jun 18]
  26. Discuss the physical principles of the ultrasound contrast media.  Enumerate  the  safety  issues  and recommendations regarding their clinical use. [5+5 Dec 18]
  27. Classify  iodinated  contrast  media  used  in  diagnostic imaging.  What  steps  will  you  take  to  prevent  contrast induced nephropathy? [5+5 Jun 19]
  28. Describe MRI contrast media. What is Nano diamond? [8+2 Jun 19]
  29. a) Enumerate various ultrasonic contrast media. b) Describe their principle. c) Describe in brief their clinical application in evaluation of liver mass lesions. [4+3+3 Dec 19, R:Dec 10]


  1. Laryngeal carcinoma. [DEC 03, JUN 04]
  2. Imaging of temporal bone/Petrous bone. [DEC 05, JUN 06]
  3. Describe the imaging features of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma. Discuss the role of radiological intervention in its management. [6+4 Dec 12]
  4. Enumerate the infrahyoid neck spaces. Discuss the imaging features of pathologies of the carotid space. [4+6 June 14]
  5. How would you evaluate a patient of hyperparathyroidism on imaging? Enumerate the findings on plain films, CT and Scintigraphy. [4+2+2+2 June 14]
  6. Staging and imaging features of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma. [10 June 15]
  7. a) Enumerate the infrahyoid spaces b) Imaging features of carotid body tumour [2+8 Dec 15]
  8. a)  Draw a diagram of cross sectional anatomy of inner ear. b)  Imaging   workup  in  a  child  presenting  with  congenital sensorineural hearing loss. [3+7 Apr 16] 
  9. Enumerate  masses  of  developmental  origin  in  neck. Discuss  imaging features in each. [3+7 Dec 17]
  10. a)  Explain the role of HRCT temporal bone and MRI in the work-up of a case of congenital sensory neural hearing loss (SNHL) for a possible cochlear implant. b)  Enumerate the key CT imaging features which must be commented  upon  from  the  perspective  of  a  surgeon about to undertake a cochlear implant. [4+6 Dec 18]
  11. Computed  tomographic  and  magnetic  resonance imaging findings in mycotic sinusitis. b)  Imaging  features  of  orbital  involvement  in Neurofibromatosis type 1 [5+5 Dec 18]          
  12. a) What are the causes of hyperparathyroidism? b) Enumerate the finding on Plain film, CT and scintigraphy of primary hyperparathyroidism. [4+6 Dec 19, Repeat from June 14]


  1. Radiologic features of gastric malignancies. [Jan 97]
  2. Describe in brief the pathology, role of imaging and radiological features in GI tract lymphomas. [Jul 97, 98]
  3. Necrotising enterocolitis. [Jul 98]
  4. Carcinoid tumours. [Jul 99]
  5. Role of Radiology and Imaging in intestinal ischemia. [Jan 00]
  6. Radiological profile of ulcerative colitis. [Jan 01]
  7. Imaging in a Vomiting infant. [02]
  8. Intervention in upper GI bleeding. [Dec 02]
  9. Imaging in postoperative stomach.
  10. Anorectal Malformations. [02]
  11. Intusssusception. [02]
  12. Gastric lymphoma . [Dec 02/03/06/07]
  13. Malabsorption syndrome. [02]
  14. Gastrointestinal lymphoma. [Jun 04]
  15. USG in appendicitis.
  16. Non-tubular inflammatory bowel disease. [Dec 05, 06]
  17. Critical appraisal on role of small bowel enema, CT & MRI enteroclysis. [Jun 07]
  18. Colonic strictures – etiology and role of imaging in diagnosis of structures. [Dec 07]
  19. Role of CT in Epiploic Appendigitis.
  20. Internal Hernias.
  21. Imaging of Acute Appendicitis.
  22. Enumerate causes of lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Mention current imaging techniques in their evaluation Describe the role of MDCT in its evaluation. [09]
  23. Imaging features of small bowel abnormalities in newborn. [09]
  24. CT vs MR enteroclysis for assessment of small bowel diseases. [09]
  25. Describe imaging of low intestinal obstruction in a neonate. [09]
  26. CT and Endoscopic ultrasound staging of Esophageal carcinoma. [09]
  27. Radiological evaluation of suspected Small Bowel obstruction. [09]
  28. Describe the technique and ultrasound features in acute appendicitis. Also describe ultrasound features of conditions mimicking acute appendicitis. [June 2008]
  29. Discuss various causes and imaging features in stricture of lower end of esophagus. [June 08]
  30. Describe imaging features in a case of intestinal perforation. [2010]
  31. Describe the clinical features, sonographic and CT appearances in acute Appendicits. [Dec 10]
  32. Discuss the role of plain radiograph , barium studies , USG and CT abdomen in diagnosis of gastrointestinal TB. [2+3 + 2+3 June 11]
  33. Describe in brief the role of plain radiography , enteroclysis, USG, CT and MRI in evaluation of small bowel  obstruction. [June 11]
  34. Enumerate causes of mesentric ischaemia. Briefly discuss plain radiographic, USG, CT findings and the role of intervention in this condition. [2+2+2+2+2 Dec 11]
  35. Name the various motility disorders of esophagus. Discuss pathophysiology and imaging features of cardiac imaging. [2+3+5 Dec 11]
  36. Enumerate causes of multiple nodular filling defects in small bowel. Discuss the imaging features of small bowel lymphoma. [3+7 Dec 11]
  37. Name the diseases associated with H. pylori infection. Briefly discuss barium meal features of benign and malignant gastric ulcer supported by suitable diagrams. [2+4+4 Jun 12]
  38. Enumerate various infections and neoplasms affecting gastrointestinal tract in AIDS. Briefly describe barium meal follow through and CT features of AIDS lymphoma. [3+7 Jun 12]
  39. Classify polypoidal lesions of the colon. Mention radiological differences between benign and malignant polyps. Discuss salient imaging features of various types of adenomatous polyps. [2+3+5 Jun 12]
  40. Enumerate causes of malabsorption syndrome. Describe imaging features in tropical sprue. Briefly discuss its complications. [2+6+2 Jun 12]
  41. Describe technique of MDCT and imaging findings in an 80 year old male presenting with lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Briefly discuss its therapeutic implications. Draw a suitable algorithm outlining role of investigative modalities. [3+5+2 Jun 12]
  42. Describe normal gastroesophageal junction with the help of suitable diagram. Label various rings and lines visualized on double contrast barium swallow. Discuss imaging features of Schatzki’s ring. [6+2+2 Jun 12]
  43. Enumerate the normal and abnormal extrinsic impressions on the cervical & thoracic parts of the esophagus during Barium swallow examination. Discuss the possibilities in a 56-year-old woman presenting with dysphagia. Describe briefly the key radiological findings in any 3 conditions. [2+2+2+2+2 Dec 13]
  44. A 70 year old man presented with lower GI bleed. Mention various causes of lower GI bleed and briefly describe role of contrast studies, CT scan imaging & intervention in it. [2+2+2+2+2 Dec 13]
  45. Describe the technique of MR Enterography. Compare its benefits & limitations vis-a-vis conventional contrast studies and CT enteroclysis. [5+5 Dec 13]
  46. Enumerate various imaging techniques employed for radiological evaluation of small bowel pathologies. Discuss the merits and demerits of each technique. Discuss in brief, CT findings in a case of ileocecal T.B. [2+5+3 June 14]
  47. Enumerate various conditions associated with polypoidal lesions in the large bowel. How will you distinguish b/w benign and malignant polyps on imaging? Discuss the merits and demerits of virtual CT colonoscopy in a case of suspected familial polyposis coli. [2+4+4 June 14]
  48. Technique to evaluate the stomach and imaging features of stomach malignancies.[June 15]
  49. Pathophysiology and imaging features in small bowel lymphoma. [10 June 15]
  50. a) Characteristic pathological features of gastrointestinal stromal tumors along with the imaging findings. b) Management options and post treatment follow up of these tumors. [(3+3)+(2+2) Dec 15].
  51. a) Pathophysiology and imaging features in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). b) Role of CT enteroclysis in IBD. [(3+4)+3 Dec 15]
  52. a)  Differential diagnosis of multiple colonic polyps. b)  Role of double contrast barium enema in its evaluation. [4+6 Apr 16]
  53. a)  Radiological  differences  between  gastric  carcinoma  and lymphoma. b)  Role of imaging in the staging of gastric carcinoma. [5+5 Apr 16]
  54. Causes and CT features of small bowel obstruction [4+6 Dec 17]
  55. Define  the  role  of  imaging  in  the  evaluation  of  a  patient  with perianal discharge. Draw a labelled diagram of coronal section of anorectal  junction  region,  depicting  the  internal  and  external sphincter, and portraying the types of anorectal fistulae. [6+4 Jun 18] 
  56. Describe  the  role  of  conventional  radiography  and computed  tomography  in  the  evaluation  of  a  suspected case of acute large bowel obstruction. [5+5 Dec 18] 
  57. a)  Imaging in esophageal motility disorders.  b)  Imaging in post-operative stomach. [5+5 Dec 18]
  58. Enumerate  the  various  causes  of  strictures  in  the  small intestine. Describe the imaging findings in Crohn’s disease of the small intestine. [5+5 Dec 18]
  59. What are the causes of an acute abdomen in a neonate? What are imaging features of necrotizing enterocolitis? [4+6 Jun 19]
  60. What  are  the  sites  of  physiological  indentation  of  the esophagus?  Discuss  radiological  diagnosis  of  achalasia cardia and its complications. What is the role of radiological intervention? [2+5+3 Jun 19]
  61. a) Name the diseases associated with H.pylori infection. b) Briefly discuss Barium meal features of benign and malignant gastric ulcers supported by a suitable diagram. [4+6 Dec 19 Repeat from Jun 12]
  62. a) Enumerate causes of Gastroduodenal artery bleed. b) Mention current imaging techniques for its diagnosis. c) Describe Interventional Radiology techniques used in its management. [3+3+4 Dec 19]


  1. Differentiation of Renal Cyst and Renal tumour by I.V.P. [JAN 97]
  2. Diagnosis of Urinary Bladder’s Tumours. [97,02]
  3. Discuss the role of imaging in Renal trauma.
  4. Polycystic disease of kidneys. [JAN 97, JUN 04]
  5. Posterior urethral valves. [JUL 97, JUN 06]
  6. Epispadias extrophy complex.
  7. Pathology of renal neoplasms in the paediatric age group.
  8. Acute scrotum [JUL 99, 02]
  9. Cystic diseases of the kidney.
  10. Child with UTI. Provide a protocol for imaging and mention their features. [JAN 00]
  11. How will you investigate a case of painless hematuria? What is role of Radiologist in its management?
  12. Imaging of prostate. [JAN 00, JUN 04]
  13. Prostatic tumors. [JUN 03]
  14. Testicular germ cell tumors. [JAN 01]
  15. Radiological diagnosis of congenital lesions of kidney.
  16. Interventions in upper urinary tract obstruction. [01]
  17. Imaging in renal malignancies. [04]
  18. Role of Doppler in testicular tumor. [DEC 04]
  19. Vesicoureteric reflux. [DEC 04/09]
  20. Nephrocalcinosis. [02,04,06]
  21. Imaging in renal malignancies.
  22. Renal tuberculosis. [Dec 05/07/09, Jun 07,Dec 14]
  23. Ureterocoele. [02, 05]
  24. Discuss the pathology of renal hypertension & radiological investigations for the same. [Jul 98]
  25. Discuss the pathophysiology of renovascular HTN and role of imaging. [02]
  26. Diagnosis of renal hypertension – present day approach . [JUN 05]
  27. Imaging in evaluation of renovascular hypertension in a ten year old male. [09]
  28. Discuss the role of various imaging modalities in a suspected case of reno vascular hypertension. [Jun 2008]
  29. Imaging of unilateral scrotal swelling.
  30. Diagnosis of non malignant prostatic enlargement .
  31. Angiomyolipoma of the kidney . [Jun 06]
  32. Neurogenic bladder .
  33. Unilateral large kidney in a child .
  34. Renal Cell Carcinoma. [Jun 04]
  35. Emphysematous pyelonephritis.
  36. Doppler evaluation in male impotence.
  37. Classify cystic diseases of kidney and discuss role of ultrasound in these lesions. [Jun 07]
  38. Enumerate causes of unilateral small kidney, Describe the role of imaging in its diagnosis. [Dec 09] 
  39. Mention ultrasound and Doppler findings in varicocele. Describe the role of intervention in its management. [09]
  40. Enumerate the causes of Varicocele. Write US technique and US and color Doppler features in Varicocele. [June 2008]
  41. MR staging of prostate carcinoma. [09]
  42. Penile doppler. [06]
  43. Discuss imaging of erectile dysfunction. [09, 10]
  44. Color Doppler evaluation of erectile dysfunction. [Jun 08]
  45. Imaging in Transplant kidney. [02]
  46. Enumerate various investigative modalities for the transplanted kidney & give the normal findings in each of them. [JUL 99]
  47. Doppler in renal transplant [DEC 02/09, JUN 04]
  48. Role of color Doppler and ultrasound in post renal transplant patient. [09]
  49. How would you evaluate donor kidney for renal transplant. Discuss role of US and Scintigraphy in various types of renal graft dysfunction. [June 2008]
  50. Imaging in Non tubercular renal infections [December 2008]
  51. Non vascular Interventions in upper urinary tract. [09]
  52. Embryology, clinical significance and imaging of undescended Testis. [10]
  53. Indications, imaging features and limitations of imaging in erectile dysfunction. [10]
  54. Describe the blood supply of testes with the help of diagram. Enumerate various types of testicular torsions. Describe imaging findings in each. [Dec 10]
  55. Discuss the etiopathogenesis and radiological features of renal tuberculosis. [Dec 10]
  56. Enumerate the indications and describe the techniques of color doppler in Renovascular hypertension. [Dec 2010]
  57. Enumerate various complications of Renal transplant and discuss their imaging findings. [Dec 2010]
  58. Enumerate causes of hypertension in 10 yr old male child . Outline radiological approach in such a case. Role of MDCT and intervention in renal hypertension. [Jun 11]
  59. What is vesico-ureteric reflux. Discuss its causes and grading . Briefly describe role of  imaging in this condition. [Jun 11]
  60. Enumerate causes of unilateral small Kidney. Discuss role of imaging in establishing the diagnosis. [June 2011] [[3+7 Dec 17]
  61. Discuss the role of imaging in uraemia, citing the specific role and limitations of conventional radiography, US, CT, MRI and renal scintigraphy. [June 2011]
  62. Discuss the grading of renal trauma. Describe the role of imaging in its evaluation. [4+6 Dec 11]
  63. Briefly describe the penile arterial flow physiology. Discuss the technique and utility of duplex sonography in evaluation of erectile dysfunction. [3+4+3 Dec 11]
  64. Describe venous drainage of testis. Discuss imaging features and interventions in varicocele. [3+4+3 Dec 11]
  65. Enumerate various vascular complications in renal transplant. Briefly discuss the role of color doppler, CT, MRI and intervention in these conditions. [1+3+2+2+2 Dec 11]
  66. Briefly describe MRI and MRS findings in prostatic carcinoma and its staging. Discuss role of TRUS biopsy. [4+4+2 Dec 11]
  67. What are common causes of medially placed ureters? Discuss various associations. IVU, CT and MRI findings of retroperitoneal fibrosis. [2+2+2+2+2 Jun 12]
  68. Enumerate causes of urethral strictures. Briefly discuss role ascending urethrogram in strictures due to trauma. Name common complications of urethral strictures. [3+5+2 Jun12]
  69. Enumerate various ovarian tumors of stromal origin. Briefly discuss imaging features of serous and mucinous cystadenocarcinoma and cystadenoma. [3+2+2+3 Jun 12]
  70. Describe technique of TRUS guided biopsy of prostate. Briefly mention role of contrast imaging in investigation & biopsy of a prostatic lesion. [8+2 Jun 12]
  71. Enumerate the causes of hematuria in a 50 yr old male patient. Briefly discuss the role of various imaging modalities in diagnosis and staging of renal cell carcinoma. [2+4+4 Dec 12]
  72. Discuss the role of imaging in uremia, citing the specific role and limitation of conventional radiography, sonography, CT, MR and renal scintigraphy. [5+2 Dec 12]
  73. List the anatomical sites which may become afflicted in renal TB. Discuss their radiological features in brief. [2+8 Jun 13]
  74. A 24 year old with presenting features of low grade fever, lassitude and aseptic pyuria is referred to you for radiological work up. What is the likely diagnosis?. How would you investigate this patient?. Described the key radiological signs, specifying the changes in early, intermediate and late stages of the disease. [1+3+6 Dec 13]
  75. A 38 year old RTA victim is brought to you from the casualty with history of frank hematuria. How would you evaluate this patient?. Discuss the possibilities with their key radiological findings. [4+6 Dec 13]
  76. Describe penile circulation. What are the causes of male impotence? Discuss the role of Color doppler imaging in impotence. [4+2+4 Dec 13]
  77. A 40-yr-old-female pt. presented with complaints of vague right lumbar pain. An USG revealed a cystic lesion in right kidney. She was advised to undergo CT scan by the radiologist for further evaluation. Enumerate possible causes. Discuss the CT protocol & findings in various lesions. [2+2+6 June 14]
  78. What are the causes of painless hematuria in a 50 yr old male patient? Discuss the imaging features and role of interventional radiology in two such pathologies. [2+4+4 Dec 14]
  79. a) Renal tuberculosis. [5 Dec 05/07/09, Jun 07, Dec 14]
  80. A young adult male presents with painless testicular mass. What is the differential diagnosis and imaging features in the most common cause? [June 15]
  81. a) Pathogenesis and imaging features of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. b) Imaging features of abdominal lymphangioma. [5+5 June 15]
  82. a) Classify renal injuries. b) Imaging features and interventions in them. [2+(4+4) Dec 15], [4+6 Dec 17].
  83. Important differential diagnosis in a child with acute scrotum and their imaging features. [2+8 Dec 15]
  84. a) Bosniak classification of renal cysts. b) Imaging features of renal lymphoma. [5+5 Dec 15]
  85. MR imaging of normal prostate: Technique, zonal anatomy. b) Role of MR imaging in staging of carcinoma prostate. [3+3+4 Dec 15]
  86. Role of imaging in a post renal transplant patient. [10 Apr 16]
  87. Role of imaging in a young male presenting with acute scrotal pain. [10 Apr 16]
  88. Imaging  manifestations  of  renal  lymphoma  and  its  differential diagnosis. [6+4 Apr 16] 
  89. Enumerate the various causes of impotency. Discuss the role  of  Penile  Doppler  in  the  diagnosis  of  erectile dysfunction. [4+6 Dec 17] 
  90. Role of Color Doppler in: (a) Renal hypertension (b) Acute limb ischemia. [5+5 Dec 17] 
  91. Enumerate  the  causes  of  primary  infertility  in  male and female and discuss the role of imaging and interventions in any two causes. [5+5 Dec 17] 
  92. What  is  testicular  torsion?  Discuss  briefly  the  different types of torsion and diagnostic Imaging features? [2+(2+6) Dec 17]
  93. Enumerate  the  causes  of  acute  scrotal  pain.  Discuss  the specific  sonographic  findings  which  will  come  in  useful  in making the diagnosis. [3+7 Jun 18]
  94. Enumerate the possible acute complications which may occur in a  renal  transplant  recipient.  Define  the  role  of  a  radiologist  in their diagnosis. [2+8 Jun 18]
  95. Pathogenesis of genito-urinary tuberculosis and its imaging findings in CT scan. [3+7 Jun 19]
  96. Mention the various causes of infertility in male. Describe the role of imaging in the evaluation of erectile dysfunction. [3+7 Jun 19]
  97. a) What are the causes of vesico-ureteric reflux? b) Describe the imaging in vesico-ureteric reflux along with its grade with well labelled diagrams [5+5 Dec 19]
  98. a) Enumerate causes of painless hematuria in a 55-year-old patient. b) Discuss the imaging features and role of Interventional Radiology in any two pathologies. [4+3+3 Dec 19, Repeat from Dec 14]
  99. a) Describe penile circulation. b) What are the causes of male impotence? c) Role of Color Doppler imaging in impotence. [3+3+4 Dec 19, Repeat from Dec 13]


  1. Choledochal cyst. [JAN 97, JUL 98, DEC 02/05]
  2. Discuss the etiology, Classification, imaging features and complication of choledochal cyst. [June 08]
  3. Budd-chiari syndrome. [JAN 97, DEC 04]
  4. Ultrasonography features in cirrhosis liver with portal hypertension. [JUL 98]
  5. Role of imaging in obstructive jaundice. [JUL 99]
  6. Hepatobiliary intervention in Obstructive jaundice. [JUN 03]
  7. Non-Invasive evaluation Of Portal Hypertension. [02]
  8. Discuss Portal Hypertension: its radiological diagnosis and interventional therapy. [JAN 00, DEC 02, 03,05; JUN 06, 09]
  9. Neonatal jaundice. [02]
  10. MRCP in obstructive jaundice . [DEC 02]
  11. Cystic lesions of liver . [DEC 04]
  12. Benign lesions of the liver. [DEC 05, JUN 06]
  13. Therapeutic interventions in liver tumors. [JUN 05]
  14. Triple phase Portography. [JUN 06]
  15. Doppler in hepatic cirrhosis. [DEC 07]
  16. Colour Doppler and CT features in portal hypertension. [09]
  17. Interventions in Hepatic tumors. [DEC 06]
  18. Interventional management of Hepatocellular carcinoma. [09]
  19. MRI features of hepatic hemangioma. Briefly discuss role of radiology in treatment of  hepatic haemangioma. [09]
  20. Radio frequency ablation of hepatic neoplasm. [09]
  21. Describe CT features of liver trauma and discuss role of intervention in this. [June 2008]
  22. Enumerate the causes of obstructive Jaundice. Describe technique of MRCP and its role in obstructive Jaundice. [Dec 2010]
  23. What is the role of diagnostic imaging modalities in Cholangiocarcinoma. Discuss the morphological findings and the significance of various modalities in management of the disease. [Jun 11]
  24. Enumerate the causes of SOL in liver . Describe the USG features in any 3 of them. [Jun 11]
  25. Mention the various interventional techniques used in HCC. Briefly discuss indications and technique of two commonly employed techniques. Outline protocol for follow up in a case of HCC. [1+8+1 Dec 11]
  26. Enumerate the most common cause of a 6 year old male presenting with hepatomegaly, ascites and features of portal hypertension. Discuss imaging modalities employed to investigate such patients along with various imaging features. Briefly mention role of interventional radiology in its management. [1+7+2 Jun 12]
  27. A 15 day old infant has presented with prolonged conjugated hyperbilirubinemia accompanied by non pigmented stools. Name the possible etiology. Describe imaging features and various associations that may be seen in such a case. [1+6+3 Jun 12]
  28. Enumerate benign hepatic masses. Describe imaging features (USG, CT, & MRI) of two commonly encountered such lesions. [2+4+4 Jun 12]
  29. Describe the segmental anatomy of liver in cross sectional imaging. Discuss the role of triple phase CT in differentiating focal lesions in cirrhotic liver. [4+6 Dec 12]
  30. Enumerate the common causes of obstructive jaundice. Discuss the role of various imaging modalities in its diagnosis. [2+8 Jun 13]
  31. Describe etiopathogenesis of biliary atresia. Discuss the role of ultrasound, MRI and scintigraphy in assessment of biliary atresia. [2+3+2+3 Dec 13]
  32. Describe pre-transplant imaging in a liver donor. What are common complications after liver transplant? Discuss the role of intervention in treating complications. [3+2+5 Dec 13]
  33. What are various interventional techniques available to treat hepatic malignancies? Discuss the role of chemoembolization and radioembolization in hepatic malignant lesion. [3+4+3 Dec 13]
  34. Describe the anatomy of portal venous system. What are the causes of portal hypertension? Describe the role of intervention in portal hypertension. [4+2+4 Dec 13]
  35. Enumerate the causes of arterial phase enhancing focal lesions in the liver. Discuss the role of MDCT and MRI in DD of these lesions. [2+4+4 June 14]
  36. a) Von Meyenburg complex. b) Imaging features of fibrolamellar HCC. [5+5 Dec 14].
  37. US examination of a cirrhotic patient shows a solitary nodule in right lobe of liver. How would you investigate such a patient? Discuss in detail the role of CT, MRI and interventional radiology in such a case. [2+3+3+2 Dec 14]
  38. Imaging techniques and findings in a case of Budd Chiari synd. [June 15]
  39. a) Enumerate the causes of obstructive jaundice in adults. b) Role of USG and MRI in the evaluation of obstructive jaundice. [2+(4+4) Dec 15]
  40. a) Enumerate the various causes of nodules in a cirrhotic liver. b) Role of Imaging in differentiating them. [3+7 Dec 15]
  41. Imaging features of: a) Carolis disease b) Biliary atresia [5+5 Dec 15].
  42. Indications. imaging evaluation and technique of Transjugular lntrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TlPS).  [2+4+4 Dec 15]
  43. a) Segmental anatomy of liver-Labeled diagram. b) Role of MRI in evaluation of a nodule in cirrhotic liver. [3+7 Apr 16] 
  44. Causes of obstructive jaundice and role of imaging in them along with therapeutic Interventions. [3+5+2 Dec 17]
  45. Describe the ultrasound and Doppler evaluation of a suspected case of  portal  hypertension.  Outline  the  indications  and procedure of trans jugular intrahepatic porto-caval shunt. [5+5 Jun 18]
  46. Discuss the physical principle of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography. Describe the various anatomical variants of the biliary tree. [3+7 Jun 18] 
  47. a)  Role of magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of hemochromatosis and iron overload states.   b)  Role of sonographic and Doppler evaluation in a patient of portal hypertension. [5+5 Dec 18]
  48. Describe  the  technique  of  multiphasic  CT  scan  study  of liver. Discuss the imaging findings of hepatoma. [5+5 Dec 18]       
  49. Tabulate  the  grading  of  liver  trauma.  What  are  the important delayed complications of injury to the liver? [5+5 Jun 19]
  50. Mention causes of solitary hepatic space occupying lesions. How can MRI help in differentiating them? [4+6 Jun 19]
  51. Draw a diagram of the hepatic segments. Describe the role of radiology in the work-up of a liver transplant. [5+5 Jun 19]
  52. a) Mention the various interventional techniques used in the management of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). b) Briefly describe the guidelines outlining the criteria of response assessment of hepatocellular carcinoma. [4+6 Dec 19, Repeat from Dec 11]


  1. Name the hepatic interventions done through transjugular route. Discuss the indication, technique and complications of transjugular liver biopsy. [2+(2+3+3) Dec 17] 
  2. Describe  arterial  anatomy  in  brief  of  lower  limbs  and discuss  the  diagnostic  and  interventional  techniques  in arterial stenosis/ occlusion of lower limb arteries. [3+(3+4) Dec 17]
  3. Enumerate  the  various  liquid  embolic  agents  used  in interventional  Radiology.  Discuss  the  role  of interventional  Radiologist  in  the  management  of  Cerebral Arteriovenous malformations. 


  1. Thoracic skeletal changes associated with cardio-vascular diseases. [JAN 97]
  2. Radiological features in nutritional rickets.
  3. Differential diagnosis of expanding lesions of mandible. [JAN 97, JAN 01]
  4. Pyknodysostosis.
  5. Radiological features of spinal tuberculosis. [JUL 97, JUL 98]
  6. Radiological features of congenital syphilis.
  7. Neurophatic joints.
  8. Radiological features of Osteosarcoma. [98]
  9. DD of generalized decrease in Bone Density. [98]
  10. Differential diagnosis of expanding lesions in metaphysis of long bones. [JUL 98]
  11. Cleido-cranial dysostosis.
  12. Pancoast tumour. [JUL 98, DEC 02,03]
  13. Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoartropathy. [JUL 98, JUL 99]
  14. Enumerate the causes of Osteoporosis and use of CT in Bone Mineral Studies. [JUL 98]
  15. Differential diagnosis of metaphyseal lucent lesions. [JUL 99]
  16. Renal osteodystrophy.
  17. Pathophysiology of renal rickets. [JAN 00]
  18. Psoriatic arthritis.
  19. Pathophysiology of Hyperparathyroidism. [02]
  20. Radio-diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism. [JAN 00, DEC 03, JUN 04/09]
  21. Radiology of Rheumatoid disease. [JAN 01]
  22. Cystic jaw lesions . [DEC 02, DEC 03]
  23. Perthe’s disease. [02]
  24. Expansile lytic lesion at upper end of Tibia. [02]
  25. Hand: an index of the disease. [DEC 02, DEC 03]
  26. Neurofibromatosis. OR Osseous spectrum in neurofibromatosis. [DEC 02/07/09, JUN 04]
  27. Role of Skeletal Radiogrpahy in estimation of age. [02]
  28. Bone age estimation [DEC 03]
  29. Osteogenesis imperfecta .
  30. Solitary dense vertebra. [02]
  31. Imaging of Low Back pain. [02]
  32. Role of MRI in bone tumors . [DEC 04]
  33. Radiology of CARDIO-VASCULAR SYSTEM soft tissues . [DEC 05, JUN 06]
  34. Secondary hyperparathyroidism. [JUN 05]
  35. Osseous lymphoma.
  36. Plain film features of Acromegaly. [02]
  37. Techniques for evaluation of Acromegaly . [JUN 06]
  38. Basilar invagination . [JUN 05/06]
  39. Radiology of a Limping Child. [DEC 06]
  40. Imaging features in Mucopolysaccharidosis. [DEC 06, JUN 07]
  41. Periosteal Reactions (DD). [DEC 02, 06]
  42. Imaging in Tuberous Sclerosis and its associations.
  43. Sickle cell disease – radiological appearances. [JUN/DEC 07]
  44. Discuss causes of diffuse skeletal sclerosis and role of imaging in it.
  45. Sero-negative Spondyloarthropathy. [DEC 07]
  46. Differential diagnosis of radiological appearance of absorption of terminal phalanges.
  47. MR Imaging of Traumatic knee. [DEC 06]
  48. Imaging in Meniscal tear of knee. [09]
  49. Role of plain X rays and USG in Congenital Dislocation of Hip jt. [02]
  50. MRI in congenital dislocation of hip joint. [09]]
  51. MRI in SLAP lesions of shoulder. [09]
  52. Rib Notching. [JUN 03]
  53. Enumerate various causes of Para vertebral masses and their imaging features. [June 2008]
  54. Mention causes of inferior RIB notching. Discuss imaging features of 2 common causes. [09]
  55. Describe ossification of bones of elbow. [09]
  56. Imaging and associations of Fibrous dysplasia. [09]
  57. Briefly discuss imaging of pre-sacral masses in children. [09]
  58. Ozone therapy for backache. [09]
  59. Imaging findings in Plasma Cell Tumors. [09]
  60. Evaluation of Skeletal Dysplasias in utero. [09]
  61. Imaging in Rotator cuff lesions. [09]
  62. What are round cell tumors of bone? Discuss in detail differentiating imaging features in these. [Jun 08]
  63. Describe radiological features, complications and differential diagnosis of Paget’s disease. [Jun 08]
  64. Discuss the techniques, imaging features & limitations of sonographic evaluation of the  rotator cuff [Jun 08]
  65. Describe different types and imaging features of fractures. What are the complications of fracture? [2010]
  66. Define Stress fracture. Enumerate various sites and predisposing factors of stress fracture. Describe various imaging features of stress fractures. [Dec 10]
  67. Describe in brief various imaging features of Osteoid osteoma. Discuss its differential diagnosis. [Dec 2010]
  68. Describe the life cycle of hydatid disease causative organisms. Enumerate sites of affection in human beings. Describe imaging features of Musculoskeletal hydatidosis. [Dec 2010]
  69. Enumerate causes of Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Discuss its DD & describe its imaging findings on plain radiograph. [Jun 2011]
  70. Discuss the radiographic and sonographic features of developmental dysplasia of Hip. [Jun 2011]
  71. Describe the MR anatomy of the knee joint. Briefly state the MR sequences you would employ to delineate a suspected medial meniscus tear. [Jun 11]
  72. Enumerate different varieties of Osteosarcoma. Discuss their imaging features. [3+7 Dec 11]
  73. Describe etiopathogenesis of Osteomyelitis. Discuss role of imaging in acute osteomyelitis. [4+6 Dec 11]
  74. Discuss the clinical associations of Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy. Briefly describe its radiological findings, Differential diagnosis and role of Nuclear medicine. [3+4+2+1 Dec 11]
  75. Classify scoliosis. Discuss imaging features of plain radiographic, CT and MRI in neurofibromatosis of spine. Discuss Cobb’s angle and draw a diagram illustrating its measurement. [2+5+2+1 Jun 12]
  76. Mention causes of periosteal new bone formation. Briefly discuss characteristic radiological features of osteomyelitis affecting infants, children and  adults. [2+8 Jun 12]
  77. Mention differential diagnosis of 15 year boy presenting with localized pain and swelling of 2 months duration in right lower thigh. Discuss conventional radiographic, CT and MRI features of the commonest primary malignant bone tumor in this age. [1+3+3+3 Jun 12]
  78. Classify cysts of jaw. Describe briefly imaging features of each type of cyst. Draw suitable diagrams to describe various types. [2+6+2 Jun 12]
  79. Discuss differential diagnosis and imaging features of painless expansile lesion involving single rib in an adult. [3+7 Jun 12]
  80. List the causes of posterior scalloping of vertebrae. Describe skeletal changes seen in von Recklinghausen’s disease. [2+8 Dec 12]
  81. Enumerate various causes of hemolytic anemia. Describe the imaging findings in a case of Thalassemia major. Briefly discuss its DDs from sickle cell anaemia. [2+5+3 Dec 12]
  82. Briefly discuss the pathophysiology of osteomalacia. Describe the radiological findings in renal osteodystrophy. Enumerate the findings that help in differentiating from primary hyperparathyroidism. [3+4+3 Dec 12]
  83. What is Osteoporosis? Enumerate causes if osteoporosis. Discuss any 3 imaging modalities currently in vogue for assessment of bone mineral density. [2+2+6 Jun 13]
  84. What are the key clinical features, common sites and radiological findings in Ewing’s sarcoma? Discuss its differential diagnosis in brief. [2+2+4+2 Jun 13]
  85. The Child Welfare Board has referred an accused to you for estimation of age. Being a radiologist, how would you carry out this assignment?. Discuss in brief the variables that  can affect the estimated age. [6+4 Jun 13].
  86. Enumerate causes of painful limp in a child unable to bear weight. Briefly discuss the role of plain X-ray, arthrography, US, CT, MRI and scintigraphy in arriving at diagnosis. [2+2+1+1+1+2+1 Jun 13]
  87. Discuss the role of plain X-ray, CT and MRI in cases of lower cervical spinal trauma. [3+4+3 Jun 13]
  88. Describe the MR anatomy of the shoulder joint. Briefly state the MR sequences you would employ to delineate various lesions of the shoulder joint. [4+6 Jun 13]
  89. a. Ossification of elbow joint and its clinical significance. b. Fusion imaging. [5+5 Jun 13]
  90. Enumerate any 5 morphological patterns of periosteal reaction and state their clinical significance. [2+2+2+2+2 Dec 13]
  91. Discuss the pathophysiology of osteomalacia. Describe imaging features in primary hyperparathyroidism. [5+5 Dec 13]
  92. Enumerate the hematopoietic disorders which causes marrow changes. Discuss the MRI findings of any two of these marrow disorders. [2+4+4 June 14]
  93. Discuss the imaging features of avascular necrosis of the hip and its DD. [7+3 June 14]
  94. What are the causes and imaging features of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy [3+7 June 14]
  95. A 10-yr-old child has presented with swelling of the mandible. Enumerate the causes and discuss the imaging findings of any two. [2+2+6 June 14]
  96. Enumerate the causes of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. Briefly describe its radiological findings, DD and role of Nuclear medicine. [2+4+2+2]
  97. Enumerate various causes of hemolytic anemia. Describe the imaging findings in a case of Thalassemia major. Briefly discuss its DDs from sickle cell anaemia. [2+5+3 Dec 14] (this question was repeated from Dec 12)
  98. List the causes of posterior scalloping of vertebrae. Describe skeletal changes seen in von Recklinghausen’s disease. [2+8 Dec 14] (repeat from Dec 12)
  99. 99. Enumerate causes of painful limp in a child unable to bear weight. Briefly discuss the role of plain X-ray, arthrography, US, CT, MRI and scintigraphy in arriving at diagnosis. [2+2+1+1+1+2+1 Dec 14](exact repeat from June 13)
  100. Classify cysts of jaw. Describe briefly imaging features of each type of cyst. Draw suitable diagrams to describe various types. [2+6+2 Dec 14](exact repeat from June 12)
  101. a. Ossification of elbow joint and its clinical significance. b. Fusion imaging. [5+5 Dec 14] (exact repeat from Jun 13)
  102. a) Enumerate different varieties of osteosarcoma. b) Imaging features of various surface osteosarcomas. [5+5 June 15].
  103. a) Pathophysiology of different types of hyperparathryoidism. b) Imaging features of primary HPT [5+5 June 15].
  104. a) MRI anatomy of knee joint. b)Role of MRI in evaluation of meniscal injuries.
  105. Various osseous changes in NF. [June 15]
  106. Causes of paravertebral shadow in lumbar region and their differential diagnosis. [June 15]
  107. a) Enumerate causes of periosteal new bone formation. b) Imaging features of acute osteomyelitis and infantile cortical hyperostosis. [3+(4+3) Dec 15]
  108. Various radiological findings in Battered Baby Syndrome and their mimickers. [6+4 Dec 15]
  109. Radiological findings in: a) Dermatomyositis. b) Lipoma arborescens. [5+5 Dec 15]
  110. a) Role of skeletal radiography in determination of bone age in a male likely to be between 12-18 years of age. b) Factors affecting bone growth and remodeling. [6+4 Dec 15]
  111. a) Radiological features of osteopenia on a plain radiography. b) Various imaging modalities used in the assessment of bone mineral density. [3+7 Apr 16]
  112. Various radiological findings in multiple myeloma and its differential diagnosis. [6+4 Apr 16]
  113. Radiological findings in primary hyperparathyroidism. [10 Apr 16].
  114. a)  Enumerate the various mucopolysaccharidosis. b)  Radiographic findings in Morquio syndrome. [2+8 Apr 16]
  115. Radiological  evaluation  of  skeletal  maturity  for  bone  age estimation. [10 Apr 16] 
  116. What  are  the  varieties  of  osteosarcoma?  Enumerate  the imaging features. [2+8 Dec 17] 
  117. What are the clinical features in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis?  Describe  the  various  imaging  characteristic  in rheumatoid arthritis? [4+6 Dec 17] 
  118. Define  stress  fracture.  Enumerate  the  common  sites. Discuss the role of imaging in early diagnosis. [2+2+6 Dec 17]
  119. Enumerate  the  cystic  lesions  of  jaw.  Outline  the  radiological algorithmic approach towards the diagnosis of such a lesion. [4+6 Jun 18]
  120. Enumerate  the  various  labral  injuries  of  shoulder.  Describe  the magnetic resonance imaging findings in any two such injuries. [2+4+4 Jun 18]
  121. Enumerate  the  causes  of  periosteal  reaction  in  childhood. Discuss the radiological approach towards its diagnosis. [3+7 Jun 18]
  122. State  the  age  of  appearance  and  fusion  of  various  epiphyses around the elbow joint on plain radiographs in a male subject. Discuss how radiography can help in gender determination in an adult subject. [5+5 Jun 18]
  123. a)  Explain the role of plain radiography in various diseases of the joints. b)  What is the role of ultrasound of joints in the evaluation of a case of rheumatoid arthritis? [5+5 Dec 18]
  124. Enumerate the causes of osteoporosis. Discuss the role of plain  radiography  in  the  evaluation  of  skeletal manifestations of hyperparathyroidism. [4+6 Dec 18]
  125. Role of imaging in short stature. [10 Jun 19]
  126. What are the various forms of LCH?  Describe  the  radiological  features  of  the  imaging spectrum. [3+7 Jun 19]
  127. Which  are  the  common  sites  for  occurrence  of  Brown tumours?  How  will  you  evaluate  the  patient  to  detect  the underlying abnormality? [4+6 Jun 19]
  128. a) Enumerate various causes of hemolytic anemia. b) Describe the imaging findings in a case of thalassemia major. How will you differentiate it from sickle cell disease on imaging? [2+5+3 Dec 19]
  129. a) Describe in brief anatomy of the shoulder joint. b) Briefly state various MR sequences and planes used to evaluate shoulder joint on MRI. [4+6 Dec 19, Repeat from June 13]
  130. A 15-year boy presents with localized swelling and pain of 2 months duration involving right lower thigh. a) What will be its differential diagnosis? b) Discuss Conventional Radiographic, CT and MRI features of the commonest primary malignant bone tumour in this age. [4+6 Dec 19, Repeat from June 12]


  1. CT in Neurotuberculosis. [JAN 97]
  2. Discuss the role of computed tomography in cerebrovascular accidents.
  3. Arnold-Chiari malformations. [JUL 97, JUN 04]
  4. Ring lesions on computed tomography of brain.
  5. Neurosonography. [JUL 97, JUN 05]
  6. Discuss the role of computed tomography in infective lesions of brain. [JUL 98]
  7. Radiology and Imaging in Acoustic Neuroma. [98]
  8. Radiological diagnosis of extra-dural spinal masses.
  9. Enumerate the various neurocutaneous syndrome & describe imaging in any 2 of these. [Jul 99]
  10. C.T. versus M.R.I. in brain tumours.
  11. Imaging in congenital lesions of the spine and spinal cord. [JAN 00]
  12. Radiology and Imaging of Meningiomas. [JAN 00, JUN 04]
  13. Imaging in stroke.
  14. Imaging in Acute stroke. [DEC 06]
  15. CT and MRI in Intervertebral disc Prolaspse. [02]
  16. Discuss the anatomy and anomalies of the Cranio-Vertebral region. How will you assess it Radiologically. [02]
  17. White matter disorders OR CT and MRI in white matter diseases OR MRI in CNS white matter disease of Brain. [DEC 02, 03, JUN 04]
  18. 4th Ventricular Ependymoma. [JUN 03]
  19. Migrational anomaly. [JUN 04]
  20. Role of DWI in brain . [DEC 04]
  21. Sub Arachnoid space anatomy and SAH. [DEC 02, JUN 03]
  22. Radiological investigation in SAH.
  23. Intervention in SAH. [DEC 06]
  24. Endovascular management of intra-cranial aneurysm. [DEC 05, JUN 06]
  25. Imaging of cerebral ischaemic infarct. [JUN 05]
  26. Posterior fossa neoplasms of childhood. [02]
  27. Lateral ventricular masses. [05]
  28. Radiology of brain tumors. [05]
  29. Role of Imaging in Leukodystrophies. [DEC 06]
  30. Carotico-Cavernous Fistula. [DEC 06]
  31. Imaging and Intervention in Intracranial AVM. [JUN 07, DEC 09]
  32. Imaging and intervention in spinal anterior-venous malformation.
  33. MRI in Alzheimer’s disease.
  34. Radiological features in diffuse axonal injury. [DEC 07]
  35. Central pontine myelinolysis.
  36. Vein of Galen malformation.
  37. Glutaric Aciduria Type I.
  38. DD of ring enhancing lesions in brain in an immunocompromised patient. [DEC 09]
  39. Intramedullary neoplasms of spinal cord. [09]
  40. MRI in intramedullary neoplasms of spinal cord. [09]
  41. Clinical applications of Diffusion Tensor imaging. [09]
  42. CT and MR findings in acute stroke. [09]
  43. CT versus MRI in stroke. [97]
  44. Embolization in management of acute hemorrhage. [09]
  45. Imaging in dementia. [09]
  46. Role of imaging and intervention in Dural Arteriovenous Fistula. [09]
  47. Neuro-imaging in AIDS. [DEC 02/06]
  48. Radiological features in Neurological Complications of AIDS. [09]
  49. Discuss CT and MR features of neurological complications of AIDS. [June 2008]
  50. Functional imaging of Brain. [09]
  51. Enumerate CP angle tumors and discuss their differentiating features on CT and MRI. [June 2008]
  52. Describe MR anatomy of pituitary gland. Discuss in detail MR techniques and features to diagnose pituitary adenomas. [June 2008]
  53. Define Spinal Dysraphism. Describe briefly the MR sequences you will use for diagnosis of spinal dysraphism. [2010]
  54. Define Infective Discitis. Describe CT, MRI and Isotope imaging features of discitis. [2010]
  55. Enumerate various causes of Supra-sellar masses. Describe imaging features in Craniopharyngioma. [2010]
  56. Describe MR Imaging features in intra-cerebral Hematoma and techniques of Volume calculation in such a case. [2010]
  57. Classify neural tube closure defects. Describe various Chiari malformation and their imaging features. [Dec 2010]
  58. Classify brain tumors of children. Describe the imaging features of Primitive Neuroectodermal tumors. [Dec 2010]
  59. Describe MR anatomy of Pituitary fossa with diagram. Describe the radiological diagnosis of Pituitary adenoma. [Dec 2010]
  60. Describe the clinical features and MR imaging features of Multiple Sclerosis. [Dec 10]
  61. Describe imaging features and intervention in vein of galen malformation. [Jun 11]
  62. Describe the grading , imaging features and differential diagnosis of Glioblastoma multiforme. [Jun 11]
  63. Describe the CT and MRI features of Neurocysticercosis of brain. How would you differentiate from other granulomatous lesions. [Jun 11]
  64. Define acute cerebral stroke. What are its types. Discuss the role of CT and MR imaging in patients with acute stroke, enumerating the techniques that you shall employ and the characteristic findings you would expect. [Jun 11]
  65. Discuss the role of CT in evaluation of patients with acute head injury, staging the types of injury, possible complications and their long term sequalae. [Jun 11]
  66. Enumerate the clinical uses of MR spectroscopy in disorders and diseases of brain . Briefly discuss its role in evaluation of brain tumors. [Jun 11]
  67. Enumerate the cause of SAH. Discuss the role of CT in its evaluation. [2+8 Dec 11]
  68. Enumerate causes of demyelinating diseases of spinal cord. Discuss their imaging features and DDs. [2+5+3 Dec 11]
  69. Discuss clinical presentation, imaging findings on USG, CT and MRI in Vein of Galen malformation. Briefly discuss its interventional management. [2+2+2+2+2 Dec 11]
  70. Enumerate causes of normal intracranial calcifications. Discuss imaging features of pathological intracranial calcifications secondary to infections and infestations. [3+7 Jun 12]
  71. Enumerate causes of spinal canal stenosis. Mention normal CT measurement of spinal canal at various levels. Describe plain radiographic, CT and MRI features of spinal canal stenosis. [2+2+2+2+2 Jun 12]
  72. Enumerate various causes of suprasellar lesions in adults and children Describe plain radiographic, CT and MRI features of Craniopharyngioma. [4+6 Jun 12]
  73. Enumerate the causes of cerebral venous thrombosis. Describe CT and MR findings of cerebral venous thrombosis. [2+4+4 Dec 12]
  74. Enumerate the causes of enlarged jugular foramen. Describe the imaging findings and role of interventional radiology in management of Glomus Jugulare tumor. [2+5+3 Dec 12]
  75. Enumerate the causes of ring enhancing lessons of brain parenchyma in MRI. Discuss the role of DWI and MR spectroscopy in differentiation of various lesions. [2+4+4 Dec 12]
  76. Classify neural tube closure defects of brain. Briefly described types of Arnold Chiari malformation and discuss their imaging findings. [2+2+6 Jun 13]
  77. Discuss the etiology and characteristic imaging findings in “ring enhancing lesions” of the brain. [ 3+7 Jun 13]
  78. What are the common sellar and parasellar lesions?. Describe the key radiological findings in craniopharyngioma on skull radiographs, CT & MRI. [4+2+2+2 Jun 13]
  79. A 38 year old man, who has been throwing epileptic seizures, is found to have ring lesions on MRI of brain. Discuss the differential diagnosis. Describe the specific MRI features of any 4 clinical entities which may present with these clinicoradiological findings. [2+2+2+2+2 Dec 13]
  80. State the distinguishing features of intramedullary, extramedullary, intradural and extradural spinal lesions on MRI. Discuss briefly the DD’s of intramedullary spinal lesions. [6+4 Dec 13]
  81. How would you differentiate between an extra-axial and intra-axial mass lesion on cranial MRI? Describe the radiological findings in the most common extra-axial lesion found in middle aged patients. [4+6 Dec 13]
  82. Discuss the types and classification of gliomas. Describe the imaging features of various types of gliomas. Discuss the role of perfusion imaging in gliomas. [3+5+2 Dec 13]
  83. What is the basic difference b/w NF type I and II? Discuss the imaging findings in NF-II. Briefly describe extra skeletal manifestations and associations of Neurofibromatosis. [4+3+2+1 June 14]
  84. Describe with a diagram the cerebral venous system. Briefly discuss the causes and imaging features of cortical venous thrombosis. [3+2+5 June 14]
  85. A 40-yr-old female has presented with loss of vision and instability in gait. Discuss the DD and MRI findings in the most probable cause. What is the role of diffusion tensor imaging in this patient. [2+6+2 June 14]
  86. Discuss the grading, imaging features on MRI and differential diagnosis of GBM. [3+5+2 Dec 14]
  87. Classify neural tube closure defects of brain. Briefly described types of Arnold Chiari malformation and discuss their imaging findings. [2+2+6 Dec 14] (repeat from June 13)
  88. Embolization in management of acute hemorrhage. [5 Dec 14](repeat from 09)
  89. Causes of demyelinating lesions of spinal cord and their imaging features. [10 June 15]
  90. a) Enumerate various neurocutaneous syndromes. b) Etiopathogenesis imaging features and associations of Sturge-Weber syndrome. [Jun 15]
  91. 91. Cystic lesions of posterior fossa and their differential diagnosis. [Jun 15]
  92. 92. a) Enumerate the causes of epilepsy. b) Distinguishing features of cortical lesions associated with epilepsy [5+5 Dec 15]
  93. 93. a) Classify spinal dysraphism. b) Pathology and imaging features of diastomatomyelia. [2+(3+5) Dec 15]
  94. 94.  a)  Radiological anatomy of Sella turcica. b)  Imaging evaluation of a suspected pituitary tumor. [3+7 Apr 16].
  95. 95.  a)  Enumerate the various neurocutaneous syndromes. b)  Various imaging findings in a case of neurofibromatosis II [3+7 Apr 16].
  96. a)  Enumerate various spinal dysraphism. b)  Pathology and imaging findings in diastematomyelia. [2+8 Apr 16] [Repeat from Dec 15]
  97. Indications,  contraindications  and  technique  of  intra-arterial thrombolysis for acute stroke. [3+3+4 Apr 16]
  98. a)  Role of CT perfusion in hepatic tumors. b)  Role of CT perfusion in pancreatic tumors. [5+5 Apr 16] 
  99. What  are  causes  of  hypoxic  Ischemic  encephalopathy  in children and adults? Enumerate imaging features. [2+8 Dec 17] 
  100. Discuss the  role  and imaging  features of  MRI  in  multiple sclerosis. [4+6 Dec 17] 
  101. Describe  the  arterial  anatomy  of  Circle  of  Willis.  Discuss the role of imaging in intracranial aneurysm. [4+6 Dec 17]
  102. a) Magnetic resonance imaging findings in a patient suspected to have acute ischemic cerebral stroke. b) Endovascular treatment in acute ischemic cerebral stroke as per the current evidence. [6+4 Jun 18]. 
  103. Enumerate the various types of primary traumatic lesions in head injury. State the indications for CT and that for MRI in head trauma [3+7 Jun 18].
  104. Enumerate  the  possible  causes  of  a  jugular  foramen  mass. Describe the magnetic resonance imaging features in any two such lesions. [2+4+4 Jun 18]
  105. Enumerate  the  various  MRI sequences  which  can  help  in  the  evaluation  of  a  cerebral tumour. Describe the key MRI features of a high grade glioma highlighting the significance of each of these sequences. [2+8 Jun 18]
  106. Enumerate  the  possible  causes  of  a  sudden  unilateral  loss  of vision. Discuss the role of a radiologist in the diagnosis of any two such conditions which may present in this manner. [2+2+4 Jun 18]
  107. Enumerate the various causes of bilateral T2 hyper intense lesions  in  basal  ganglia.  Describe  the  neuroimaging findings in Wilson’s disease. [4+6 Dec 18]
  108. a)  Role of magnetic resonance imaging in head injury. b)  Role  of  diffusion  weighted  imaging  in  intracranial infections. [5+5 Dec 18]
  109. Draw a labelled diagram of a coronal section through the “cavernous sinus”. b)  Discuss  the  differential  diagnosis  of  cavernous  sinus lesions. [5+5 Dec 18] 
  110. What are the CNS infections in HIV? Discuss their neuroimaging characteristics. [2+8 Jun 19]
  111. a) Describe in brief revised WHO classification of brain tumours. b) Enumerate primitive Neuroectodermal tumours of the brain. [7+3 Dec 19]
  112. a) State the distinguishing features of intramedullary, extramedullary-intradural and extradural spinal lesions on MRI. b) Discuss briefly the differential diagnosis of intramedullary spinal lesions. [6+4 Dec 19, Repeat from Dec 13]
  113. A 40 year old female has presented with loss of vision and instability 6+4 in gait. a) Discuss the differential diagnosis and MR findings of the most probable cause. b) What is the role of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in this patient? [6+4 Dec 19 Repeat from June 14].


  1. Radio nuclide imaging of the C.N.S. [JAN 97]
  2. Radio isotope scanning in thyroid disease.[JUL 97, 02]
  3. Isotope imaging of the Parathyroids. [02]
  4. Radio nuclide imaging of urinary tract.
  5. Isotopes in Myocardial ischaemia OR Scintigraphy in ischaemic Heart disease OR Role of nuclear medicine in ischaemic heart disease. [JUL 98, DEC 02/ 05]
  6. 99m Tc labeled N – substituted Imino-diacetic acid (HIDA) Scan.
  7. Role of scintigraphy in liver diseases. [JUL 99]
  8. Radio-isotope scanning in cardiac lesions. [JAN 01]
  9. Nuclear medicine in liver imaging [DEC 02]
  10. Clinical application of radionuclide Renography. [02]
  11. Renogram. [DEC 03]
  12. Bone scan. [DEC 05]
  13. GI Scintigraphy. [JUN 05]
  14. Outline of radio-isotopes available. [JUN 06]
  15. Radioistopes in Cardiac imaging. [09]
  16. Radionuclide bone Scintigraphy in infective disorders. [09]
  17. Application of DMSA Scintigraphy. [09]
  18. Scintigraphy evaluation of Gastro-intestinal bleeding. [09]
  19. Fusion imaging. [09]
  20. PET [DEC 04, JUN 05]
  21. Principles and role of PET in clinical radiology. [June 2008]
  22. Describe Radiopharmaceuticals used in PET CT with their clinical applications. [09]
  23. Radionuclide scanning in a bony lesion. [09]
  24. Enumerate various radio-isotopes used in Hepato-Biliary system. Describe the imaging features and techniques in Biliary atresia. [Dec 2010]
  25. Describe the role of scintigraphy in cardiac imaging with emphasis on myocardial perfusion and viability. [June 2011]
  26. Enumerate the indications of scinitigraphic evaluation in GI bleed. Briefly discuss technique, radioisotopes used and interpretation of results. [2+4+2 Dec 11]
  27. Enumerate indications and radio-isotopes used for radionuclide scanning of lungs. Briefly describe 3 techniques of isotope imaging of lung with their clinical implications. [(2+2)+(2+2+2) Jun 12]
  28. List the indications of hepatobiliary scintigraphy in children and adults. Describe briefly the principle, technique and findings on scintigraphy in a car off neonatal jaundice. [2+2+2+4 Dec 12]
  29. Briefly describe the etiopathogenesis of choledochal cyst. Enumerate various types of choledochal cyst. Discuss the role of imaging in Caroli’s disease. [2+3+5 Dec 12]
  30. a. Radio isotope scanning of the skeletal system. b. Clinical applications of 3D and 4D ultrasound. [5+5 Jun 13]
  31. Discuss the role of scintigraphy in cardiac imaging with special emphasis on myocardial perfusion and viability. [10 Jun 13]
  32. What is the principle of PET scanning? Briefly discuss the role of FDG-PET scanning and importance and clinical utility of two non-FDG molecules of PET scanning. [2+4+4 Dec 13]
  33. a) Renal isotope scanning b) Tomosynthesis in mammography. [5+5 June 14]
  34. a)  Classification of choledochal cyst. b)  Enumerate   its   various   complications   and   the   role   of imaging in their diagnosis. [2+2+6 Apr 16]
  35. Role of radionuclide imaging in renal disorders.  [10 Apr 16] 
  36. Principle  and  role  of  PET  scanning  in  benign  conditions affecting the lymph nodes [4+6 Dec 17]
  37. Discuss the indications, pharmacokinetics, and method of iodine-131 metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy. [3+3+4 Dec 18]
  38. a) Discuss the role of Scintigraphy in cardiac imaging. b) Describe various artifacts and interpretation pitfalls associated with this technique. c) Describe its role in brief in myocardial perfusion and viability. [4+3+3 Dec 19]


  1. Imaging of Intra Uterine Foetal Death. [JAN 97]
  2. Discuss the role of imaging in uterine lesions. [JUL 97]
  3. Endometriosis. [JUL 98, DEC 04, JUN 07]
  4. Ectopic Pregnancy. [JUL 99, DEC 05]
  5. Alimentary tract lesions diagnosable in-utero
  6. Role of Sonography in I.U.G.R.
  7. Imaging of the placenta [JAN 00]
  8. Write in detail US features of placental evaluation. [June 08]
  9. Sonographic diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. [JAN 01]
  10. PCOD. [02]
  11. Imaging in Infertility . [DEC 02, 03]
  12. Endometrium in USG. [JUN 03]
  13. Biophysical score . [DEC 03, JUN 04]
  14. Uterine interventions . [DEC 05]
  15. PNDT [DEC 05/06/07]
  16. MRI in gynecologic imaging.
  17. Cystic lesions of ovaries. [JUN 05]
  18. Sonography of cystic ovarian masses. [09]
  19. Doppler evaluation in IUGR . [JUN 05,06]
  20. Radiological evaluation of delayed milestones. [JUN 06]
  21. Role of USG in assessment of prenatal genitourinary tract. [ DEC 06]
  22. Antenatal detection of Vein of Galen malformation. [06]
  23. Antenatal MRI. [JUN/DEC 07]
  24. Sonography of cystic ovarian masses.
  25. CT – Pelvimetry.
  26. Enumerate markers of chromosome abnormality on antenatal ultrasound. Briefly discuss their sonographic features. [09]
  27. 27. Transvaginal scan in female infertility. [09]
  28. 28. USG in female Infertility [December 2008]
  29. 29. Uterine artery embolisation. [December 2008]
  30. 30. Describe the sonographic findings favouring the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy and its DD. [2010]
  31. 31. Enumerate the vascular and structural abnormalities of the Umbilical cord. Describe the velocity waveform changes seen in the umbilical artery Doppler. [2010]
  32. 32. Enumerate the causes of infertility. What is the role of imaging in assisted reproduction. [Dec 2010]
  33. Define fetal hydrops. Enumerate its causes. Describe sonographic and color doppler findings noted in this condition. [Dec 2010]
  34. Discuss the sonographic techniques and criteria used in evaluation of uterine cervical incompetence. [Dec 2010]
  35. Enumerate the common locations of ectopic pregnancy in order of frequency. Discuss the sonographic findings of ectopic pregnancy. [Dec 2010]
  36. Describe the role of imaging in recurrence of ovarian malignancy after surgery. [Dec 2010]
  37. Enumerate conditions under which the revised PNDT act 2010, permits you to conduct prenatal  diagnostic techniques. What steps would you take in clinical USG practice to comply with the act. [June 2011]
  38. Outline the diagnostic imaging approach in a pt. with Ovarian malignancy. Describe imaging features,  staging & impact of cross sectional imaging in ovarian cancer. [June 2011]
  39. Define abnormal endometrial thickening. Enumerate its causes and discuss their imaging features. [2+2+6 Dec 11]
  40. List various causes of female infertility. Discuss the role of HSG and MRI in their evaluation. [2+4+4 Dec 11]
  41. List various causes of bleeding in first trimester. Discuss their sonographic features. [2+8 Dec 11]
  42. Enumerate various color doppler parameters used in IUGR. Briefly discuss their role in IUGR. Mention the significance of aortic isthmic index. [2+6+2 Dec 11]
  43. Describe measurement technique & normal values of nuchal translucency. Briefly discuss its role in Trisomy 21 and other chromosomal anomalies. [4+2+2+2 Dec 11]
  44. Describe various fetal Doppler parameters used to assess fetus at risk of IUGR. Discuss recent advances as regards their significance in predicting fetus at risk. [6+4 Jun 12]
  45. 45. List various indications of MRI examinations in obstetrics. Outline various sequences used along with their rationale. Briefly describe MRI findings in two conditions presenting obstetric emergencies. [2+4+4 Dec 12]
  46. List the causes of post menopausal bleeding. Briefly describe the role of various imaging modalities highlighting their advantages and pitfalls. Describe the MRI findings in a case carcinoma cervix. [2+4+4 Dec 12]
  47. Enumerate various causes of female infertility. Describe the role of HSG and MRI in their diagnosis. [2+4+4 Dec 12]
  48. Write short notes on: A. PC-PNDT Act B. Conventional lead apron and zero lead apron.[5+5 Dec 12]
  49. What is ‘placenta accreta’? What are its types? Which imaging modalities would be useful in its diagnosis? Briefly describe the imaging features of each imaging modality? [1+1+2+6 Jun 13]
  50. Enumerate the factors the enhance the risk of ectopic pregnancy. What would be its classic clinical signs? Discuss the role of USG in its diagnosis highlighting the key imaging features. [2+2+6 Jun 13]
  51. A 19 year old girl is referred with complaint of primary amenorrhea from the Department of Gynecology. As a radiologist, how would you evaluate her? Enlist the radiological investigations that might be beneficial to her, enumerating the precise entities you might identify with each. Describe the key radiological findings in any one clinical condition which may present as primary amenorrhea. [2+5+3 Dec 13]
  52. A 26 year old patient, who is 12 weeks post-partum, is referred to you for radiological appraisal with a history of bleeding per vaginum and  raised beta-HCG levels. What is the likely diagnosis?. How would you evaluate this patient?. Discuss the possibilities with their key radiological findings. [1+3+6 Dec 13]
  53. How would you decide on the amnionicity and chorionicity in twin pregnancies? Enumerate the various complications that may occur in a twin pregnancy. Describe the various radiological findings in twin-twin transfusion syndrome. [4+2+4 Dec 13]
  54. Define IUGR. Enumerate its causes. Discuss the role of imaging in management of IUGR. [1+2+7 June 14]
  55. Enumerate and classify various congenital anomalies of the uterus. Discuss the role of US and MRI in their diagnosis, highlighting their advantages and limitations. [3+7 June 14]
  56. Enumerate various MRI sequences used for evaluation of the uterus, highlighting their specific role. Describe the role of MRI in suspected carcinoma cervix along with their MR findings. [4+6 June 14]
  57. Define habitual abortion. Enumerate various causes of habitual abortion. Discuss the role of imaging in diagnosis and follow up of these cases. [1+2+5+2 June 14]
  58. Enumerate causes of first trimester bleeding. Discuss the imaging features to diagnose and follow-up such patients. [3+7 Dec 14]
  59. a) Placenta accreta - Pathophysiology and imaging findings [5 Dec 14]
  60. Indications, technique and complications of uterine artery embolization. [June 15]
  61. Ultrasound in a 35 yr old female shows a right adnexal cystic mass. a) What are the likely causes? b) Algorithmic approach and imaging features in these causes. [2+8 June 15]
  62. a) Normal anatomy of placenta. b) What are the different types of abnormal placental implantation. c) Role of imaging in placenta accreta. [2+2+6 Jun 15]
  63. a) Documentary requirements under PC-PNDT Act. b) Positioning and technique for Water’s view. [ 5+5 Dec 15]
  64. a) Enumerate the congenital anomalies affecting the uterus. b) MR lmaging findings in these. [3+7 Dec 15]
  65. a) Differential diagnosis of acute pelvic pain in a young female patient. b)  Imaging findings of ovarian torsion. [4+6 Apr 16]
  66. Role of MRI in evaluation of a suspected case of endometrial carcinoma. [10 Apr 16]
  67. Role  of  ultrasound  and  MRI  in  the  evaluation  of  morbidly adherent placenta. [5+5 Apr 16] 
  68. Current indications and limitations of Foetal MRI. [10 Dec 17]
  69. Enumerate the causes of a unilateral adnexal mass. Discuss the role of a radiologist in diagnostic evaluation of such a patient. [2+8 Jun 18]
  70. Enumerate  the  causes  of  menorrhagia  in  a  perimenopausal patient. Discuss the role of a radiologist in diagnostic evaluation of such a patient. [2+8 Jun 18] 
  71. a) Intrauterine image-guided interventions which can be carried out in pregnancy.  b) Role of Doppler ultrasound in the evaluation of foetal middle cerebral artery. [6+4 Jun 18] 
  72. Describe  the  role  of  ultrasound,  computed  tomography and  magnetic  resonance  imaging  in  the  diagnosis  and staging of endometrial carcinoma. [2+2+6 Dec 18]
  73. a)  PCPNDT Act. b)  Ultrasound findings in a 12 week foetus with Down syndrome. [5+5 Dec 18] 
  74. a)  Imaging findings in abruptio placentae. b)  Imaging findings in molar pregnancy. [5+5 Dec 18]
  75. A patient present with 10 wks amenorrhoea followed by bleeding per  vaginum. What  are  the  possible  causes  and how will you evaluate the patient radiologically? [4+6 Jun 19]
  76. Role of Doppler in pregnancy. [10 Jun 19]
  77. a) Enumerate various color Doppler parameters used in IUGR. b) Briefly discuss their role in IUGR. c) Mention the significance of aortic isthmic index. [4+4+2 Dec 19, Repeat from Dec 11]


  1. Endocrine tumours of the pancreas. [Jul 98]
  2. Pancreatic pathology. [Dec 02]
  3. Classification and Imaging of Neuroendocrine tumors of pancreas. [Dec 04/09]
  4. Grading of Pancreatitis and its relevance. [02]
  5. CT in Pancreatitis . [Jun 04]
  6. Role of imaging in acute pancreatitis. [10 Jun 05,19]
  7. Pancreatic Endosonography.
  8. Image guided interventions in pancreatic disease. [09]
  9. Radiological features in cystic tumors of pancreas. [09]
  10. Classify pancreatic neoplasms. Describe imaging features in a case of carcinoma head of pancreas. [Dec 2010]
  11. Discuss the role of CT in evaluation of pt. with acute pancreatitis, outlining the technique, CT signs, assessment of disease severity and its relationship to outcome of patient. [Jun 2011]
  12. What is Pancreatic divisum?. Briefly discuss its embryologic basis and  clinical significance. What are ERCP, MRCP and MDCT findings. [2+3+5 Dec 11]
  13. Enumerate various pancreatic masses of childhood. Discuss their imaging features and DDs of pancreatoblastoma. [2+5+3 Dec 11]
  14. Briefly describe embryological development of pancreas. Describe various anomalies and variations in its development with the help of  suitable diagrams. Discuss imaging features (on barium meal and CT scan) of annular pancreas. [4+3+3 Jun 12]
  15. Enumerate various indications of upper gastrointestinal endoscopic sonography. Briefly discuss it’s role in evaluation of pancreatic pathologies outlining the advantages and disadvantages. [2+8 Dec 12]
  16. Discuss the technique and role of CT in the evaluation of acute pancreatitis [2+8 Jun 13]
  17. A 40 year old female with pain abdomen is found to have a cyst in the body of pancreas on USG. Enumerate various possible causes. Discuss the imaging algorithm you would follow for arriving at diagnosis in this case. [2+8 Jun 14]
  18. b)Anomalus pancreatico-biliary ductal junction and its complications [5 Dec 14]
  19. b) Intra-ductal papillary tumors of pancreas. [5 Dec 14]
  20. Enumerate various complications of acute and chronic pancreatitis. Describe briefly the imaging features and role of interventional radiology in these conditions. [2+4+4 Dec 14]
  21. b) Biliary atresia [5 Dec 14]
  22. a) Enumerate various neuroendocrine tumors of pancreas. b) Characteristic features of these on various imaging modalities including the role of radio-nucleide imaging. [5+5 Jun 15]
  23. a) Imaging and interventions in vascular complications of pancreatitis. b) Imaging features of multicystic dysplastic kidney. [5+5 June 15]
  24. a) Enumerate neuroendocrine tumors of pancreas. b) Their CT and MRI imaging features. [2+(5+3) Dec 15]
  25. Grading, imaging appearances and complications of pancreatic trauma. [3+4+3 Apr 16]
  26. a)  Role of imaging in intraductal papillary mucinous tumor of pancreas.  b)  Enumerate the criteria for malignancy. [7+3 Apr 16] 
  27. a)  Embryological development of Pancreas.  b)  Enumerate  the  causes  and  describe  the  spectrum of CT findings in acute pancreatitis. [2+(2+6) Dec 17]
  28. a) Enumerate various complications of acute and chronic pancreatitis. b) Describe in brief their imaging features. c) Describe in brief their management by Interventional Radiologist. [3+3+4 Dec 19 Repeat from Dec 14]


  1. Enumerate  the  causes  of  presacral  masses  in  children. Discuss the various imaging features of each. [3+7 Dec 17]
  2. Role of plain X-ray of wrist in determining the age of child in medicolegal cases. [10 Dec 17]


  1. Technical parameters of an x-ray equipment for fluoroscopic procedures.
  2. Basic construction of an x-ray tube and recent advances.
  3. Principle of doppler ultrasound and its application in neck ultrasound.
  4. Factors affecting quality of a radiograph. [JUL 97, JAN 01, DEC 04]
  5. Name the various interactions of X-ray photons with matter. Describe any two.
  6. Focal spot in a diagnostic x-ray tube. [JUL 99, DEC 02]
  7. Ultrasound image artifacts.
  8. Image Intensifier. [JAN 00, DEC 02, 03]
  9. Discuss the Biological effects of Radiations and the measures taken against its protection for Radiation workers and patients in Radio-diagnosis dept. [JAN 01, DEC 05, JUN 06]
  10. Define principles of radiation protection. Describe various parameters which can reduce patient radiation dose in radiography and fluoroscopy. [09]
  11. Measures to decrease radiation dose to patient. [02]
  12. AERB guidelines for Radiation safety. [DEC 06]
  13. Ionizing radiation in bone.
  14. Intensifying screens. [DEC 02/04; JUN 06]
  15. Portable radiography [DEC 03]
  16. Principles of color doppler sonography. [02]
  17. MDCT technology. [DEC 02/03/04]
  18. X-Ray film and Types of films used in Radiology. [DEC 02, 03, 04]
  19. Construction of a conventional X-ray film and functions of each layer. [02]
  20. Composition of X-ray films Discuss about different parameters which influence film contrast. [09]
  21. Properties of X-rays. [02]
  22. Medical X ray films processing chemicals. [02]
  23. High generator transformer. [DEC 04]
  24. Radiation monitoring devices.
  25. Radiation scatter. [DEC 05, JUN 04]
  26. Define scatter radiation. Discuss briefly the parameters which influence scatter radiation and methods to reduce scatter radiation.
  27. Rare earth screens.
  28. New MR pulse sequences
  29. X-ray beam restrictors. [DEC 06, 09]
  30. Motion and pulsation artifacts in MRI
  31. Adverse effects of radiation .
  32. Cine fluoroscopy
  33. Grids [DEC 05/07]
  34. Cardiac CT. [JUN 05]
  35. Radiation dose reductions in CT .
  36. Darkroom illumination.
  37. Modern rotatory x-ray tube .
  38. 38. PACS – picture archival and communication system.
  39. 39. TLD – Thermo Luminescence Dosimeter .
  40. 40. Filters and filtrations .
  41. 41. MR coils.
  42. 42. Design and setup of a radiology department OR Setting up a radiology department in a 200 bedded hospital [JUN 05/06]
  43. Film artifacts. [02/05]
  44. Electrical circuits of x-ray machine .
  45. Safety hazards in MRI.
  46. Steps to improve the quality of a chest X-ray .
  47. Radiological management of Bomb-Blast injury.
  48. Maximum permissible radiation dose.
  49. Define principles of radiation protection. Describe various parameters which can reduce patient radiation dose in radiography and  fluoroscopy. [June 2008]
  50. Photoelectric effect andf its application in diagnostic radiology. [09]
  51. Film contrast. [09]
  52. 52. Dosimeters used for radiation monitoring. [09]
  53. 53. Radiation dose in various examinations using MDCT. [09]
  54. Computed radiography cassette. [09]
  55. PACS in radiology. [09]
  56. Genetic Screening. [09]
  57. Planning considerations for installation of 500 mA X—ray machine. [09]
  58. Composition of X-Ray films. Discuss about different parameters which influence film contrast. [June 2008]
  59. Define basic units of radiation exposure. List recommended dose limits for radiation worker and general public. [09]
  60. Define the basic units of radiation exposure. Describe biological effects of radiation. [08]
  61. Discuss about mammography X-ray unit. [June 2008]
  62. Legal responsibilities and duties of radiologist in clinical practice. [09]
  63. Doppler artifacts and pitfalls. [08]
  64. Define quality assurance. Discuss the organization of a quality assurance program pertaining to radiology equipment. [08]
  65. Principles and clinical applications of dual energy CT. [08/2010]
  66. Enumerate, various interactions of X-ray photons with matter. Describe any 2 in brief [2010]
  67. Rare earth screens. [2010]
  68. Define scatter radiations. Comment briefly on the parameters which influence scatter radiation and methods to reduce scatter radiation. [2008/2010]
  69. Define Roentgen. Mention various recommendations on maximum permissible dose for patients and staff members in Radiology department. [2010]
  70. Describe the basis of BOLD imaging. Write its utility and limitations. [4+6 2010, Dec 19]
  71. Write in brief the principle and types of Digital radiography. Outline its advantages and disadvantages. [2008/2010]
  72. Define and classify radiographic Grids. Describe their various uses in radiography. [Dec 2010]
  73. Define radiographic contrast. Describe various factors that affect radiographic contrast. [Dec 10]
  74. Describe AERB guidelines on X-ray room installation. [Dec 10]
  75. Describe the various techniques you will employ to reduce patient and operator radiation dose in CT angiography. [Dec 10]
  76. Enumerate basic properties of X rays. Describe factors affecting scatter radiation and techniques to minimise scatter radiation. [June 11]
  77. Brief outline the evolution of present day CT scanners citing the key specific changes through different generations. [June 11]
  78. While conducting a conventional diagnostic radiographic procedure under fluoroscopic guidance , what steps would you take to reduce radiation dose to pt. what measures would you take to safeguard yourself. [Jun 11]
  79. Discuss briefly the principle of MR spectroscopy. Enumerate its clinical significance in any three clinical settings , outlining explicitly how it would be useful. [June 11]
  80. Discuss various dose reduction techniques in MDCT. Mention the average radiation doses received for common examination using MDCT. [Jun 11]
  81. Define Doppler effect. Briefly describe color doppler and power doppler modes of imaging. Enumerate advantages of each mode. [1+4+5 Dec 11]
  82. Describe major components of a PACS system and their functions in brief. [10 Dec 11]
  83. Define film contrast. Enumerate various factors affecting film contrast. Briefly discuss methods to improve it. [2+4+4 Dec 11]
  84. Describe in brief components and their function of a rotating X-ray tube. Draw its neat diagram and label its components. [5+5 Dec 11]
  85. Discuss various statutory requirements to be followed for installation of following radiological equipments: [4+3+3 Jun 12]
  86. A. 1000 mA x-ray machine
  87. B. CT scan
  88. C. DSA Lab
  89. Describe various measures to reduce radiation exposure to patients as well as personnel performing fluoroscopically guided vascular interventional procedures in DSA Lab. [10 Jun 12]
  90. Write short notes on:  [3+3+4 Jun 12]
  91. A. Heel effect
  92. B. Genetic effect of radiation
  93. C. Conventional lead apron and zero lead apron
  94. Write short notes on the following: [4+3+3 Jun 12]
  95. a) Factors affecting scatter radiation and different techniques to minimize them. b) Radiographic contrast c) Properties of x-rays.
  96. Write short notes on : [3+3+4 Dec 12]
  97. A. Photoelectric effect and its role in production of radiographic image. B. TLD C. Mammographic X-ray tube.
  98. Describe the construction of an X-ray tube with the help of a labeled diagram. Discuss the mechanism of production of X-rays. Enumerate the properties of X-ray. [3+4+3 Dec 12]
  99. a. Rare earth screens. b. Green sensitive film. c. Dual energy substractions. [3+3+4 Jun 13]
  100. Define Roentgen. Mention various recommendations of maximum permissible dose for patients and staff members of the Radiology department. [2+4+4 June 13]
  101. Enumerate various interactions of X-ray photons with matter. Discuss any two in details with their significance in radiology department. [3+3+4 June 13]
  102. Describe AERB guidelines for X-ray a CT installation. [5+5 June 13]
  103. a) AERB guidelines for installation of X-ray equiptment. b)Thermoluminiscent dosimeter [5+5 Dec 13]
  104. a) Quality of radiologic images b) Different types of x-ray tubes. [5+5 Dec 13]
  105. Describe in detail various requirements of quality control programme in radiology department. [10 Dec 13]
  106. Enumerate the different types of X-ray tubes. What is the difference between a conventional X-ray tube and a mammography tube? Briefly describe mammography tube with the help of a neat labeled diagram. [2+4+4 June 14]
  107. What are the cardinal principles of radiation protection? What methods would you use to decrease exposure in fluoroscopy? [6+4 June 14]
  108. a)Personal Dosimeters b) Tissue Harmonic imaging. [5+5 June 14]
  109. a) MR contrast for liver imaging b) Contrast induced nephropathy c) What will you do to prevent CIN? [5+5 Jun 14, 4+3+3 Dec 19]
  110. Advances in CT technology to decrease the radiation dose in children. What is CT dose index (CTDI). [8+2 Jun 14 and Dec 14]
  111. Write in brief the principle and types of Digital radiography. Outline its advantages and disadvantages. [2+4+4 Dec 14] (repeat from 2008 and 2010)
  112. a) AERB guidelines for installation of X-ray equipment. b) Thermoluminiscent dosimeter [5+5 Dec 14] (repeat from Dec 13)
  113. Enumerate various interactions of X-ray photons with matter. Discuss any two in details with their significance in radiology department. [3+3+4 Dec 14] (repeat from June 13)
  114. Advances in technology to reduce radiation to a patient during radiography. [June 15]
  115. Clinical applications and techniques of fat suppression in MRI.
  116. Principles of perfusion CT and quantification of tumor perfusion parameters. [June 15]
  117. a) What is scatter radiation? How does it affect radiographic image quality? b) Methods to reduce scatter radiation.  [(1+2)+7 Dec 15]
  118. Enumerate the types of digital radiography. Describe each one briefly.
  119. b) Advantages and limitations of digital radiography compared with conventional film screen radiography. [ 4+6 Dec 15]
  120. a) Techniques for dose reduction in MDCT. b) How is mammography tube different from conventional X ray tube? [ 5+5  Dec 15]
  121. a)  Principles of radiation protection. b)  Define    various    radiation    units    and    give    maximum permissible dose for radiation workers. [4+(3+3) Apr 16]
  122. Discuss briefly the type and structure of radiographic film and imaging film. [5+5 Dec 17] 
  123. Define  the  objectives  and  general  guiding  principles  and basic factors for protection against radiation. [10 Dec 17]
  124. Define the terms “Roentgen”, “Rad”, “Gray” and “Sievert”. State the  acceptable  upper  limits  of  radiation  exposure  in  a  radiation worker as per the AERB guidelines. [2+8 Jun 18]
  125. Describe  the  physical  principle  behind  various  diffusion weighted imaging techniques. Discuss their clinical usefulness. [4+6 Jun 18]
  126. Enumerate  the  constituents  of  ultrasound  jelly.  State  the significance of each constituent.  [10 Jun 18] 
  127. Enumerate the various pulse sequences used in MRI. State the clinical utility of each pulse sequence citing examples. [5+5 Dec 18]
  128. What is MRI fringe field? How can the MRI safety risks be minimized in your department? [3+7 Jun 19]
  129. What  are  the  important  parameters  of  image  quality  in digital  radiography?  What  are  the  advantages  of  digital radiography over conventional radiography? [5+5 Jun 19]


001. Describe the positioning for various skull x-ray views.
002. Conventional skull radiography.
003. Radiography of the Jugular Foramen. [DEC 06]
004. Base of Skull.
005. a)  Positioning and technique for apicogram. b)  Magnification radiography. [5+5 Apr 16]


  1. Investigation in a case of exophthalmos. [JAN 00]
  2. Imaging of posterior fossa. [JAN 01]
  3. Orbit. [DEC 02]
  4. Orbital tumours . [DEC 03, JUN 04]
  5. USG in retinal retinal & choroidal detachment. [02]
  6. Orbital pathologies. [JUN 04]
  7. Imaging in unilateral exophthalmos. [DEC 07]
  8. Ocular blood flow in normal and Glaucomatous eye on color Doppler imaging.
  9. Enumerate causes of orbital masses. Discuss imaging features of two common causes in an adult. [09]
  10. Classify orbital lesions in relation to various orbital spaces. Discuss MR features in orbital pseudo tumors. [June 08]
  11. Enumerate causes of unilateral proptosis. describe imaging findings of optic glioma and caroticocavernous fistula. [June 11]
  12. Describe in brief anatomy of sella turcica. Enumerate various sellar and parasellar masses. Discuss imaging features of craniopharyngioma. [3+2+5 Dec 11]
  13. Enumerate various indications of orbital ultrasound. Discuss the role of ultrasound and color Doppler in a case of white reflex in a child. [2+4+4 Dec 12]
  14. Enumerate the cause of solitary lytic lesion in the skull. Describe the distinguishing radiological features of any three. [4+6 Jun 13]
  15. Enumerate the causes of pulsatile exophthalmos. Discuss the imaging features of any two conditions. [2+4+4 June 14]
  16. Enumerate causes of unilateral proptosis. Describe briefly imaging findings of optic glioma and caroticocavernous fistula. [2+4+4 Dec 14]
  17. a) How do you classify orbital masses? b) Enumerate various causes of Orbital masses c) MR features of orbital pseudotumors. [June 15]
  18. a) Enumerate various indications of orbital ultrasound. b) Role of ultrasound and Colour Doppler in a child with white reflex. [2+(4+4) Dec 15]
  19. Differential diagnosis of unilateral proptosis in a child. [10 Apr 16]
  20. What  are  the  differential  diagnoses  in  unilateral exophthalmos  in  a  young  adult?  Enumerate  the radiological investigations and their role and techniques of intervention in carotico-cavernous fistula. [2+8 Dec 17]
  21. Enumerate  the  causes  of  childhood  proptosis.  Describe  the characteristic CT findings in any two such conditions which may present with childhood proptosis. [4+3+3 Jun 18] 
  22.  Draw a labelled diagram depicting the normal anatomy of orbit. Discuss the imaging findings of orbital pseudotumour and thyroid ophthalmopathy.  [5+5 Dec 18]
  23. Enumerate the different extraconal lesions of the orbit. Briefly mention their imaging findings. [3+7 Jun 19]
  24. Radiological assessment of CSF rhinorrhea. [10 Jun 19]
  25. Describe the anatomy of cranio-vertebral junction with the help  of  diagram(s).  What  are  the  various  radiological measurement parameters to diagnose Basilar Invagination? [4+6 Jun 19]
  26. Enumerate causes of unilateral proptosis. b) Describe briefly imaging findings of optic gliomas and Caroticocavernous fistula. [4+6 Dec 19, Repeat from Dec 14]


  1. Spiral CT and its major applications. [JAN 97]
  2. Ultrasound transducers and their applications.
  3. Developments in ultrasound transducer technology. [09]
  4. Xeroradiography.
  5. High resolution CT and its major applications. [97, 05]
  6. MR Spectroscopy. [JUL 97, DEC 02/05/06]
  7. Automatic processing and Automatic Film Processor (AFP). [JUL 97, JAN 00, DEC 02/05]
  8. 3D CT angiography. [JUL 98]
  9. Digital radiography. [DEC 05/06, JUN 05]
  10. Flat panel digital radiography.
  11. What is digital radiography? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages. [09]
  12. Computed radiography and digital radiography. [DEC 05, JUN 06]
  13. ERCP. [02]
  14. MRCP. [JUL 99, DEC 03]
  15. MRCP vs ERCP
  16. Small bowel enema.
  17. Tissue Harmonic imaging. [JAN 01, DEC 04]
  18. MRI Urography. [DEC 02]
  19. MR Venography.
  20. MR angiography. [JUL 97, DEC 02/04, JUN 06]
  21. MRA in lower limb arteries
  22. Discuss the role of C.T. angiography, its indications, advantages and limitations. [JAN 01]
  23. CT angiography and its application in abdomen. [DEC 05, JUN 06]
  24. Principles of CT angiography.
  25. CT angiography – present status [JUN 06]
  26. Methods of contrast administration for CT angiography. [09]
  27. CT angiography vs MR angiography.
  28. Virtual endoscopy.
  29. Virtual Colonoscopy. [DEC 05/07, JUN 05]
  30. Virtual bronchoscopy . [DEC 05, JUN 06, DEC 09]
  31. CT Coronary angiography.
  32. Intra-operative USG. [DEC 04]
  33. TRUS.
  34. Trans-rectal and Trans-Perineal USG in elderly patients. [06]
  35. Sonohysterography.
  36. Discuss principle, various techniques of elastography and their clinical applications. [June 08/2010]
  37. Peripheral venous doppler.
  38. DSA.
  39. Intravascular Ultrasound. [06]
  40. Full field Digital Mammography. [06]
  41. Radiofrequency Ablation [clinical application and principle]. [03, 06]
  42. Percutaneous vertebroplasty. [06]
  43. Outline of techniques in functional MRI. [JUN 06]
  44. Diffusion weighted MRI. [08]
  45. Dry view laser camera. [06]
  46. Clinical applications of 3T MRI. [06]
  47. Discuss the procedure for Barium Enema.
  48. Technique of Double Constrast Barium Enema. [02] Enumerate the DD and imaging features of Hepatic flexure mass. [2010]
  49. MR enteroclysis – techniques, indications and applications. [02, 2010]
  50. MRI in Cardiac Imaging OR MR sequences in Cardiac Imaging. [JUN/DEC 07]
  51. Vertebroplasty in non-infective vertebral collapse.
  52. Tomosynthesis and its clinical applications. [09]
  53. Volume ultrasound. [09]
  54. Discuss indications, technique and complication of bronchial artery embolisation. [Jun 2008, 10]
  55. 55. PACS. [DEC 06]
  56. Describe the principle and types of bone densitometry. Outline the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of each type. [2010]
  57. Enumerate the various gradient echo sequences. Describe in brief the principle and their clinical applications. [2010]
  58. Describe techniques of MRCP. What are the advantages and disadvantages of MRCP vs ERCP. [2010]
  59. Techniques and applications of CT colonography. [2010]
  60. Write in brief the principles of Radio frequency ablation [RFA]. Enlist its indications, contraindications and complications   in management of Hepatocellular carcinoma. [2010]
  61. What are the advantages of 3T MRI over 1.5T MRI ? Comment on its limitations. [2010]
  62. What is the principle of diffusion weighted imaging and its role in evaluation of breast masses. [2010]
  63. Enumerate the indications of foetal MRI. Comment on its limitations. [2010]
  64. Write in brief about problem of storage requirements in PACS. Describe its solutions. [2010]
  65. Describe briefly indications, technique, complications and post procedure follow up of Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt. [Dec 10]
  66. Describe the technique of CT enteroclysis. Enumerate its indications, advantages and limitations. [Dec 10]
  67. Describe the technique of CT coronary angiography. Draw a labeled diagram of normal coronary arteries. Mention the major anatomical variants. [Dec 10]
  68. What is molecular imaging and describe its role in musculoskeletal system. [Dec 10]
  69. Describe the technique of MR Arthrography. Enumerate its indications, advantages and limitation. [Dec 10]
  70. What do you understand by perfusion imaging?. Describe briefly CT and MR perfusion imaging techniques. [Dec 10]
  71. Enumerate various endoscopic ultrasound imaging techniques. Describe common endoscopic ultrasound imaging features in esophageal disease. [Dec 10]
  72. Write in brief about the technique, indications, contraindications and complications of Radiofrequency ablation in hepatic and biliary lesions. [Dec 10]
  73. What do you understand by tissue harmonic imaging. How is it useful during sonographic evaluation of small parts of body? [3+7 June 11]
  74. Define High Intensity Focused Ultrasound. Describe its clinical applications. [2+8 June 11]
  75. Describe principle of Dual energy CT, different techniques of dual energy acquisition and various applications. [3+2+5 Dec 11, Dec 19]
  76. Discuss the principle, components, advantages and limitations of Digital Radiography. [1+4+3+2 Dec 11]
  77. Describe principle of ultrasound elastography and its clinical applications. Briefly discuss its usefulness in evaluation of BIRADS 3 lesions. [(4+3)+3 Jun 12]
  78. Describe the physical principles of PET-CT. Discuss the role of computed tomography and PET-CT in diagnosis post-treatment evaluation of lymphoma. [2+4+4 Dec 12]
  79. Describe the physical principles of CR and DR. Briefly discuss their advantages and disadvantages. [3+3+2+2 Dec 12]
  80. Briefly describe the physical principle of radio frequency ablation. Enumerate it’s applications. Discuss the role of radio frequency ablation in management of osteoid osteoma. [2+2+6 Dec 12]
  81. 81. Write short notes on: [5+5 Dec 12]
  82. A. Focussed abdominal sonography for trauma. B. Pressure injector
  83. Define strain and shear wave elastography. Discuss its role in breast, prostatic and musculoskeletal lesion. Compare its sensitivity and specificity with MR elastography. [2+6+2 Jun 13]
  84. a) CT vs MR Urography. b) CT vs MR Enteroclysis [5+5 Jun 13]
  85. Discuss the recent advances in MDCT. What are the various dose reduction techniques in MDCT?. Mention average radiation dose received for common examinations using MDCT. [4+4+2 Jun 13]
  86. a. Principle of Digital radiography. b. Clinical applications of molecular imaging. [5+5 Jun 13]
  87. a. MR artefacts b. CT artefacts. [5+5 Jun 13]
  88. Discuss the following: a. BOLD Imaging b. Genetic Screening c. PACS in Radiology. [3+3+4 Jun 13]
  89. Write short notes on: 1) MR tractography 2) Dual energy scanning in musculo-skeletal system. (5+5 Dec 13)
  90. Write short notes on: 1) CO2 angiography 2) Transcranial sonography in stroke (5+5 Dec 13)
  91. Write short notes on: a) Flat panel detector b) HIFU-Clinical indications & utility. [5+5 Dec 13]
  92. Write short notes on: a) Mobile CT scanner b) Renal denervation for renovascular hypertension. [5+5 Dec 13]
  93. a) MR-PET b) Dose reduction techniques in MDCT. [5+5 Dec 13]
  94. a) Imaging of hemobilia and interventions b) Principles & applications of RF ablation. [5+5 June 14]
  95. a) CT perfusion in acute stroke b) Principles of functional MRI. [5+5 June 14]
  96. Techniques of ultrasound elastography and its applications. [5+5 June 14]
  97. Advantages and disadvantages of computed radiography and direct digital radiography. [10 June 14]
  98. What are the advantages of 3T MRI over 1.5T MRI ? Comment on its limitations. [6+4 Dec 14, Repeat from 2010]
  99. a. MR artefacts b. CT artefacts. [5+5 Dec 14] (exact repeat from Jun 13)
  100. Enumerate the various gradient echo sequences. Describe in brief the principles and their clinical applications. [3+3+4 Dec 14] (repeat from 2010)
  101. Define High Intensity Focused Ultrasound . Describe its clinical applications. [2+8 Dec 14] (repeat from June 11)
  102. What do you understand by tissue harmonic imaging . How is it useful during sonographic evaluation of small parts of body. [3+7 Dec 14] (repeat from June 11)
  103. a) Fusion imaging. b) ELORA [5+5 June 15]
  104. Advances in ultrasound transducer technology. [June 15]
  105. Advances in MR gradient technology and its advantages. [June 15]
  106. a) Zero lead aprons. b) Spatial compound imaging [5+5 June 15]
  107. a) Principles and techniques of dual energy CT. b) Clinical applications of dual energy CT. [(3+3)+4 Dec 15]
  108. Principles and techniques of ultrasound elastography along with its clinical applications. [ 2+4+4  Dec 15, Repeat from Jun 14]
  109. a) HIFU - Principles and clinical uses. b) PET-CT in staging of brain tumours. [ (3+3+)+4 Dec 15]
  110. a) Advances in lead apron technology. b) Technique of MR perfusion and its clinical applications in brain lesions. [ 4+(3+3) Dec 15]
  111. a)  MR spectroscopy in breast. b)  MR spectroscopy in prostate. [5+5 Apr 16]
  112. a)  PET-MR b)  MR guided interventions. [5+5 Apr 16]
  113. Role  of  perfusion  and  diffusion  MRI  in  post  chemotherapy evaluation. [5+5 Apr 16] 
  114. What  is  enteroclysis?  Discuss  its  technique  with  merits and demerits with Barium meal follow through. [2+8 Dec 17]
  115. Principle, equipment, uses and adverse effects of RFA. [10 Dec 17]
  116. Principle and role of MR Spectroscopy. [10 Dec 17]
  117. a. Sono saline hysterography b. Sono mammography [5+5 Dec 17]
  118. Principle and clinical applications of Elastography [5+5 Dec 17]
  119. Discuss  the  pre-procedure  work-up,  procedure,  and  the  post-procedure  care  in a patient  scheduled  to  undergo  a trucut/core biopsy for a hepatic mass lesion. [3+4+3 Jun 18] 
  120. Describe the indications, contraindications and technique of CT urography. [2+2+6 Dec 18] 
  121. Describe  the  indications,  contraindications,  technique and complications of hysterosalpingography. [2+2+4+2 Dec 18] 
  122. Define  4DCT technique  and  enumerate the  situations  in which  it  is  used  and  discuss  in  detail  the  technique  of 4DCT of parathyroid. [2+3+5 Dec 18]
  123. Discuss the factors which tend to affect the image quality on  a  CT  scan.  Describe  the diverse radiation dose reduction strategies which can be employed while carrying out a thoracic CT scan. [5+5 Dec 18] 
  124. Enumerate the various post-processing techniques which can be used during a thoracic CT examination. State the clinical utility of each of these post-processing techniques citing examples. [5+5 Dec 18] 
  125. Describe  the  basic  principles  of  PET-CT.  Discuss  the advantages  and  disadvantages  of  PET-MRI  over  PET-CT. [Dec 18] 
  126. Describe  the  basic  physical  principles,  indications, contraindications  and  technique  of  radiofrequency ablation of liver tumours. [3+2+2+3 Dec 18]
  127. Discuss  the  various  techniques  of  cartilage  imaging. Describe  the  common  sites  and  imaging  features  of osteochondral lesions. [4+2+4 Jun 19]
  128. Role  of  radiology  in  diagnosing  and  treating  renovascular hypertension. [6+4 Jun 19]
  129. Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) in liver masses - the physics and the technique. [5+5 Jun 19]
  130. Describe the AERB guidelines to set up a Radiology centre for  a  single  static  X-ray  machine.  Supplement  it  with  a diagram. [6+4 Jun 19]
  131. What are various methods available for dose reduction  in CT? Discuss the technique of CT perfusion imaging. [4+6 Jun 19]
  132. Mention  the  basic  physics  behind  Positron  Emission Tomography (PET). Describe the role of PET in staging of lymphoma. [5+5 Jun 19]
  133. a) Describe principles and techniques of USG Elastography. b) Describe in detail clinical applications of compression Elastography. [6+4 Dec 19]
  134. a) What do you mean by AERB, eLORA and ALARA? b) How will you minimize Radiation Hazards? [4+6 Dec 19]
  135. a) Artificial Intelligence in Health care. b) Discuss its advantages and disadvantages. [5+5 Dec 19]
  136. Discuss indications, technique, management and complications of bronchial artery embolization. [2+2+3+3 Dec 19, Repeat from 08, 10]


1. Role of USG in thyroid diseases. [JAN 97]
2. Imaging in thyroid pathology. [JAN 00]



  1. Great work. May God Bless You!

  2. tnq fr such a great effort

  3. Thanks a lot and hats off to you ! Wishing you all the very best in life

  4. Good work..keep going..

  5. Thanks dude. Much appreciated.

  6. Thank you so much.It will be of great help in our preparation.

  7. great work.keep going

  8. Such good work...Thanks a ton !

  9. Great work!...very helpful..thanks.

  10. Thank you so much for your time and effort! Very grateful to you..

  11. You have helped both me and my wife so much...thanks for the good work...god bless


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