1. STERNAL CHONDROSARCOMA: CXR PA and LAT views, followed by CT and MRI
2. CKD with secondarry hyperparathyroidism: Hand/Skull Radiographs
3. Pituitary Macroadenoma-McCune Albright Syndrome: Fibrous dysplasia of temporal bone. MRI showing hypointense lesion involving the temporal bone. CT showing ground glass lesion.
4. NHL posterior mediastinum: CXR: posterior mediastinal mass that is silhouetting the descending thoracic aorta. CT: mass lesion encasing the aorta and displacing it anteriorly.
5. TB Right Kidney [putty kidney] and RCC in left kidney and burnt out Ankylosing Spondylitis: CT showing putty kidney. Locoregional treatment of RCC.

1. ACL tear with Haemarthrosis.
2. Anterior mediastinum mass - Thymoma
3. Enchondroma right humerus
4. Choroid plexus papilloma.
5. Right acoustic neuroma.
6. Posterior fossa ependymoma.
7. Bilateral AVN
8. PCP Pneumonia.
9. Pott's spine L1-2.
10. Osteosarcoma femur.

1. TOF with Blalock Taussig shunt.
2. Achondroplasia with bilateral staghorn calculi
3. Diaphyseal aclasis.
4. Collapse of right lower lobe.
5. Emphysematous pyelonephritis.
6. Neuropathic foot.
7. Congenital coxa vara
8. Renal and bladder Koch's.
9. Constrictive pericarditis - pericardial calcifications.
10. Meconium ileus with microcolon
11. Poland's syndrome.
12. Agenesis of Corpus callosum with Dandy-walker complex.
13. Sigmoid volvulus.
14. Bilateral vertical talus
15. Pituitary adenoma with Acromegaly.
16. Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis.
17. GIST
18. Aneurysm of ascending aorta with vertebral erosion.
19. Anterior sacral meningocele - MRI
20. Round worm in small bowel.
21. Intrapulmonary cavity - abscess/cavitation.
22. Dandy walker malformation.
23. Sturge-weber syndrome.
24. Open Lip Scizencephaly.
25. Tuberous sclerosis.
26. Dyke davidoff mason syndrome.
27. Holoprosencephaly.
28. Mediastinal neuroblastoma.
29. Otitic cerebellar abscess - CT
30. Esthesioneuroblastoma.
31. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
32. Renal lymphoma
33. Neurenteric cyst.
34. Congenital lobar emphysema.
35. Bilateral adrenal cysts.
36. Wilm's tumor
37. Agenesis of corpus callosum.
38. Lymphangioma chest wall.
39. Retroperitoneal teratodermoid.
40. Pleuropulmonary blastoma.


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